Task One: Dead on Arrival

282 13 79

"They're in, sir."

Azriel can't help but smirk at Kyros' words. Ever since his brother's death, he's felt the need to avenge him. To take the limelight and shine like a star as the blood of innocent bystanders oozes onto the floors below the office he sits in.

The crackle of a microphone sends the citizens into a panicked frenzy. Are they here forever? Are they going to die? Whatever's going to happen, they know that it can't be good.

"You know the rules: you do as you're told, you fight for your life and you are given the opportunity to stay safe in the real world. Good luck - you'll need it."

People look around, slightly confused by what the familiar-voiced man had to say. Giorgi and Sybille operate the doors through technology; they fly upwards and reveal the world they'll live in for the next few days.

Or die in.


Hello competitors! Welcome to the second games that I've been given the chance to host. This is Mall Mayhem.

To those of you in Carnival, this will be a similar games to the previous one. For those of you who haven't got a clue about my last games, this is a real-life Hunger Games style competition.


Unlike last time, I let you free with the task, telling you that the only requirement was to win at hide and seek. This time, there are a few more guidelines...

For this task - and the next couple of tasks - you must have an alliance. The alliance doesn't have to be the main thing, but it'll mean that you have to interact with people outside of the games.

You have the opportunity to explore the shops; however, you only find basic supplies in each one: food, materials - clothes, tents, furniture, small survival objects like plaster and bandage packets and rope and matches...

The other requirement is that your alliance choose a shop to stay in for the next couple of tasks. Each shop has its advantages and disadvantages e.g. fast food chain floors aren't too nice, some shop sizes are tiny, poorer businesses have less heating.

A request is that the alliance isn't too big. I think that you can figure out how many people make the alliance "too big."

Basically: find an alliance, find survival kit in the shops and choose a final shop to camp in.


Eight lucky people will be chosen to be sponsored at the end of this task. To those in Carnival, I'm bringing back the special tribute of the task - it's chosen based off of how well they've done in the past.


None. Not yet. That starts next task.


No more than 2000 words, please.


First entry (+1)

Best entry (+3)

Most interesting store choice (+2)


Thursday, 11th December, 10pm GMT. Unless the reason is vital, there will be no extensions.

Good luck! If you're having trouble with finding an alliance or you need something clarified, comment or pm me!

Writer Games: Mall MayhemWhere stories live. Discover now