Rashad just got up, going to my stereo, turning it off. "We'll start with this."

"Hey! 'At Your Best' is an amazing song." I defended.

"And also really sad if you don't have anybody to love." He smiled.

"You tryna take it off my hands?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I am not letting your crazy ass ruin my love life." He pointed at me.

"At least tell me her name."

"Nope." Rashad left the room, making me pout softly. A small smile grew on my face as he shut the door, happy for his growth.

At least he found something bright in my pain.


Word spread about the breakup around school. From what I was hearing whenever someone asked Q about it he kept it simple by just saying we didn't work out, and I appreciated that.

No matter what went down between us he was still respectful about me and held respect for what we had. For all anybody could know us not being together could be a mutual decision.

But it wasn't.

And the girls and I found ourselves once again in the refuge of Mr. G's room.

"I just don't know." I told them.

"What's so wrong with the idea?" Will asked.

"Cause I'm not out here trying to kiss your brother to be spiteful." I pulled a face. "Who does that?"

"Someone who wants everyone to know she's over a lame ass nigga." 

"So, you just want me to not remember how you ran off with Leon at the dance last month?" I asked, amused.

"I already told y'all we're just seeing where things go." She groaned as we all started teasing her.

"Alright. But seriously, we need a plan. Spring breaks coming up and you can't just be... well, you." Nicki spoke. "We gotta do something fun. I can ask my Mom to borrow her car and we can go to the beach." She suggested.

"Ehh. I don't really feel like doing anything."

"You've been saying that forever and we've still been dragging you to and from like a ragdoll." Rocky said. "Mr. Garrison, can you please talk some sense into her?" She looked at him. "Tell her boys are trash and the healthy option is to just move on."

Mr. Garrison just smiled at that as he looked up from his newspaper. "Well, you're single right?" His eyes went to me and I just nodded. "Focus on you. Do the things you really wanna do. Set goals for yourself. After a break up is a perfect time to do some self growth."

"I meant tell her to go to the beach with us." Rocky clarified.

"Wow, Ms. Student Body President, aren't you a great leader." He remarked, instantly making Will laugh.

"He has a point." I smiled after letting out a chuckle.

"Okay, so goals. Let's hear 'em." Kaylen encouraged.

"Uhhhh..." I stared off to space as I thought. "Getting a licence, getting a car, figuring out what college I'm gonna go to, getting a job, meeting a celebrity, buying new clothes, sneaking into Club 90." I listed off the top of my head.

"Damn being with Quincy held you back from doing all of that?" Nicki asked surprised, giving me a look, making all of us all laugh.

"Why don't we start out with the simple stuff." Rocky suggested. "Like getting your license. You can drive right?"

"Yeah, everyone's been teaching me."

"Alright cool."

The bell rang, making us all get up.

"I guess working on yourself gets you over a break up. Did you do that?" I asked Kaylen.

"I really just didn't care that much to be honest." She admitted. "I was fine in a week. It wasn't like I was like with him, and it was just like four months of my life. That's nothing. Besides he's lame."

That just made me laugh. I loved how Kaylen downplayed her relationship with Aaron. It was both funny and really honest. Her relationship with him wasn't as serious as mine was with Quincy. And ever since she found out he was quick to hop around after their breakup, she never hesitated to drag his name around.

It was petty yes, but that's what made Kaylen, Kaylen. She would never let a nigga hold something over her.

And neither would I.

I was gonna move on with my life. Set goals and reach them. I didn't need a nigga for that.

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