Chapter 39

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Authors note: Hi, I just wanted to let any readers know that this is the last chapter! I hope you like it and you enjoyed the story!

(Seina's POV)
I stood in front of the full length mirror, swaying gently back and forth as I swished the skirts of my dress from side to side. The dress was long and elegant, and white of course. The work of the one and only Yuzaha Hitachiin. 'You look beautiful.' My mother said smiling at my reflection.
'I know.'
'Seina I wish you would reconsider. Your father-'
'Will not be walking me down the isle and will get over it.'
'He orchestrated my marriage, now it will happen on my terms. Please Mum, just let me enjoy my wedding.'
My mother wiped the disappointment from her face and smiled again. 'Of course. I'm sorry.'
'Seina!' Satsuki called giggling as she dragged Haruhi through the door by the hand. Both girls were wearing matching bridesmaids dresses and Haruhi had a floral hair slide tucked in on the right. Satsuki, naturally, was wearing her combat boots rather than the delicate flats she'd handed to Haruhi. 'Seina! You look stunning!' She gushed.
Haruhi smiled and nodded her agreement. 'You do.'
'Ok, ok you guys. Consider my bridal beauty to be sufficiently admired. Where are Kaoru and Hikaru?'
Satsuki grinned at me. 'They're outside the door acting as bouncers. They've seen your father off twice.'
'Good.' I replied. My mother gave me a disapproving look.
'And Kyoya once.'
'Huh?' I frowned. 'Was everything ok? What did he want?'
The twins had apparently been listening in and stuck their heads through the door. 'He just wanted to say hi.' They said in unison. Clearly they had enjoyed sending him away. They were wearing identical white suits which matched the bridesmaids dresses and looked quite handsome. It wasn't long before I was compressed between them in a death grip. 'Awww! Look at our Seina! All grown up and so beautiful! It just makes you all emotional doesn't it.'
I stuck my fingers pointedly between their ribs before they could mess up my hair, half of which had been pinned on top of my head. 'Keep your hands to yourselves!' I admonished, laughing as I batted at them.
My mother smiled at us. 'Well, since the five of you seem to have everything under control, I'm going to head downstairs.' She hugged me to her. 'Good luck honey. I love you.'
'I love you too Mum.'
Barely ten minutes later there was a knock at the door and Satsuki hurried to answer it. 'Cousin!'
'Satsuki.' Came my brother's somewhat terse reply. He entered the room and immediately eyed the twins suspiciously. 'You two better not have been in here the whole time.'
I rolled my eyes. 'Onii-san! Don't be ridiculous, Mum literally just left and I'm about to be married.'
He raised his hands in surrender. 'Ok, I'm sorry. You look beautiful.'
I gave Haruhi a lazy smile. 'Would you ever have believed that I would get tired of people telling me how wonderful I am?'
'I'm sure you can put up with it for the day.'
'Yeah you're probably right.'
Satsuki flashed me a wicked grin. 'I'm sure your brand new husband will be able to console you. You've got your whole honeymoon ahead of you. I'm sure he'll take his time.'
'Satsuki!' I cried, mostly for my brother's benefit. 'Not funny!' Tatsuo's preferred strategy for the wedding was already to kidnap me and spirit me away to another country. The last thing I needed was Satsuki making not so subtle implications about my relationship with Kyoya. Luckily he was focused on his watch and completely oblivious to our conversation.
'Right Seina. It's time.' I nodded and took a deep breath, trying my best to smile rather than look nervous.
Haruhi gave me a quick hug. 'You'll be fine. Everyone knows Kyoya-senpai loves you.'
Satsuki threw her arms around both of us and the twins decided to join in too.
Tatsuo coughed pointedly. 'Seina you're going to be late to your own wedding.'
'The whole point is for the bride to be late, don't you know anything?' Hikaru said rudely.
'Hikaru!' Me and Kaoru gasped while Haruhi just stood there looking slightly pained. Carefully we all extricated ourselves from the hug, outfits and hair intact.
I took my brother's arm and offered him an apologetic smile. 'Ready.'

Somehow the familiar walk down the stairs seemed to take longer than ever before as the six of us slowly processed down to the hall. Everything was covered in spring flowers. Outside the door stood Mori-senpai who had an excited Honey-senpai on his shoulders.
Tamaki-senpai was crouched down in front of my siblings talking enthusiastically about something. He stood up when he saw us coming and immediately began sobbing. 'Oh Seina-san! You look so wonderful! Oh I'm so happy for you and Kyoya!' He reached towards me and the twins immediately stepped in front of me.
'Hands off the bride!' They admonished as if they hadn't been hugging me just before. I sighed.
'Thank you senpai for keeping Ayumi and Sora entertained. They can be a handful.'
'Seina-san it is no trouble at all. Now since you're about to become my little sister how about we stop this 'senpai' thing. I am Tamaki.' I stared at him in confusion, bewildered by this alteration to the Host Club's family dynamic. Apparently he was still working through some stuff.
'Ok...Tamaki...I guess you better go and start being the best man?'
'Oh! Right! Yes of course! Good luck!' And with that he went dashing through the doors. In truth I'd given him the task of monitoring my little siblings as much to give Kyoya some peace and quiet as anything else. I laughed in spite of myself as I turned to my little entourage.
'Ok, does everyone know what they're doing?'
Ayumi and Sora brandished their little baskets of flower petals at me. 'We walk in front and throw petals on the ground and everybody.' Ayumi answered.
Sora gave Tatsuo a mischievous look. 'Especially Dad.'
I sighed, 'Well I don't have time to deprogram that so I suppose it'll have to do. Mori-senpai? Honey-senpai?'
Mori-senpai lifted a similar basket up towards the blonde on his shoulders in response and gave me a small nod. 'Don't worry.' I gave him a nervous grin as he reached right over Kaoru and Hikaru to pat my head.
'Hey!' They cried swatting at his arm. Their squabbling was abruptly interrupted by the sound of music starting up in the hall and everyone snapped to attention.
Mori-senpai opened the door and gently ushered Ayumi and Sora through, waiting for them to make some progress down the aisle before walking through with Honey-senpai atop his shoulders. The latter was excitedly tossing petals around as they went.
Next Satsuki grabbed Hikaru and Haruhi, linked their arms and thrust them into the room non-too-gently. I caught a quick glance of Hikaru's red cheeks before they disappeared.
Satsuki then took Kaoru's arm. 'Good luck.' She mouthed as they walked through the door.
I gripped the hand Tatsuo had placed on our linked arms, probably causing him some small amount of pain. 'Promise you'll come visit me all the time.'
He smiled and squeezed my arm gently. 'I promise. You'll be desperate to get rid of me.' I nodded and swallowed as we approached the door. 'It's not too late to run away.' He murmured and I knew he was only half joking.
I took a deep breath and smiled, genuinely smiled. 'I don't feel like I need to run. Not from him.'
'I'm glad.'
Then he was walking me down the aisle.
The room was filled to the brim with friends and family and business connections and associates, both Kyoya's and mine. At that moment, some of the wealthiest and most important people in Japan were crowded into my ancestral home, and I didn't care one bit. Not when I was looking at him. Kyoya was wearing a tailored black suit and looked painfully handsome but that wasn't what had filled my chest with warmth from the moment I walked into the room. It was the look on his face. That gentle smile that was mine and mine alone. I reached the altar and he immediately took my hand, interlinking his fingers through mine. Whatever the circumstances of our relationship, I was glad it was him.
The service was fairly traditional and the vows were a blur as my heart skittered about in my chest under the intensity of his gaze. 'Do you Kyoya Ootori take Seina Kamei to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and to hold for as long as you both do live?'
His lips quirked up slightly in the ghost of a smirk. 'I do.'
'And do you Seina Kamei take Kyoya Ootori to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love and to hold for as long as you both do live?'
'Yes.' I breathed. 'I do.'
'Then you may kiss the bride.'
I gave him a small smile as he cupped my face with one hand, placed the other at my waist and brought his lips to mine. The kiss was sweet and gentle and conveyed everything we had promised in our vows. I barely heard the cheering of the crowd even as we drew apart and he took my hand once again.

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