Woah?! Eraserhead?!

Start from the beginning

"So long as you don't use your quirk, you're not really illegal kid." Eraserhead snorted.

"True that Eraser-san." I chuckled. "But the police and the public brand me a liar and calls out quirks that I never have. It's funny and very much amusing to me. Don't tell the cops or detectives this but you're my number two hero. My mentor stands in the first place." I winked at him. "Your boyfriend Present Mic is my number three hero."

"He's not my boyfriend!" Eraserhead sputtered, face burning into a shade of red. I laughed.

"Sure he isn't." I wiggled a finger at him.

"Zero! Present Mic is not my boyfriend!" He yelled. "And what about All Might?! What's his ranking on your list?!"

"I can see you changing the topic but to satiate your curiosity, All Might is merely a number nine hero. Endeavor can go rot in hell. Bastard can't even treat his kids and wife right!" I muttered angrily. Eraserhead raised a brow at me and made a "continue" gesture. "He abuses his first son and calls it training! The kid's got a body for an ice quirk but he got a fire-based one. Blue flames if I'm correct. It hurts him whenever he uses it and the kid's covered in bandages. I plan on taking him in when he runs away."

"Oh really? You don't seem to be any older than the first Todoroki son." Eraserhead noted.

"So what?! He's suffering and I intend to save him from being a villain! Anyway, Endeavor ignores the rest of his 'family' and also abuses his youngest son the same way he does to his first child. Showcases him around and calls him his greatest creation because he got a perfect mix of his mother's quirk and Endeavor's. I'm sure that he'll be in your class in the future through the recommendations of his bastard of a 'father'. Think you can move to keep patrolling or do you just wanna call it quits for the night?" I sighed, finishing up the last bandage.

"I intend to keep going," Eraserhead stated firmly. There was a familiar glint in his eyes. Determination and curiosity. "And you're patrolling with me tonight Zero since you're so worried about me." I nodded and helped him up. "Let's go."

"According to a special source and friend of mine, there's a deal coming in tonight and it's big. I was kind of looking for your help in dismantling it and maybe some cover for my sassy ass 'cause knowing myself, I'm gonna be pissing off a lot of 'em. Plus, kicking villain and criminal butt is always more fun with a partner- not to mention safer." I snickered. We started moving.

Eraserhead rolled his eyes and breathily groaned. "Oh boy. Is this going to be a long night for me?" He asked. I clicked my tongue and gave him an amused look. "I'm going to take that as a yes." I passed him a thermos. It was labeled "coffee" and he took a sip before his face lit up in happiness and relief. "Thanks. Where'd you get this coffee? It's probably the best I've tasted in forever."

I pulled down my mask to show a grin. "Nowhere. I made it myself. And I actually drink it with my breakfast." Eraserhead gawked at me in surprise. "And I know showing you my face might be a bad idea but I trust you not to tell all my details if I start tagging along with you on quiet or huge criminal events. You can even bring some trusty UA coworkers! Oh, and do you have a pocket? I've got to leak you some things." He stared at me disbelievingly. 

"Why do you trust me so much?" He inquired.

I shook my head and gave him a pained smile. "You saw me before. You came. You never told. I trust you because if you weren't there, I probably would've become someone bent on revenge. I would've lost myself. I would've vanished and another would've possessed me. If you do realize my current identity, don't update the status. I need to stay dead in case I have something or someone important to hide. No one looks for the living among the dead y'know." I looked to the floor sadly. "And my intuition tells me that there is someone I'm going to be protecting in the future. Their power would be uncontrolled by the wielder and they'll be young and afraid. Afraid because they were being used for evil. Afraid because they knew not to trust. Afraid for anyone who keeps her hidden from her tormentor." I looked the underground hero in the eyes. "And when the time comes, you'll know. I know you'll know because I gave you all you need to become interested if you so wish to be. You have a better intuition than others but mine is better. Remember everything tonight but don't memorize anything. They are unimportant as of right now. All you need to know is that I am Zero, a vigilante, a boy, and a warrior guardian." I looked at my watch and quickly pulled up my mask.

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