Thursday (3)

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Mia inhales a shaky breath

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Mia inhales a shaky breath. "You were...talking to someone earlier..." Mia whispers. "Who?" She asks.

Clay exhales quietly. "I--uh..." he looks down at the ground and Mia presses her lips together.

"I talk to my brother..." Mia confesses.

Clay's eyes slightly widen, he lifts his head up his blue eyes burning into hers. Mia raises her brows, "Monty too, and...myself..." Mia chuckles her pain off. "I'm just...telling you,'re not alone Clay." Mia looks at him.

"I mean...look where we fucking are." Mia looks around. "We're hiding in a room because there's a possible school shooter out there."

"Possible?'re rethinking there might be someone out there?" He asks.

Mia smirks, "I just...really want that picnic with you." Mia laughs quietly and so does Clay. She slips her hand into his.

More gunshots are heard and Mia squeezes her eyes shut. Clay tightens his grip around Mia's hand. Mia looks at Clay and notices him looking off into space again. "Welp, Clay Jensen is goooone..." Younger Mia laughs, she hops off the table and sits on the floor.

Mia inhales deeply, "Clay--"

"Am I going crazy?" He questions.

Mia pulls her brows together. "Wh-what? Are you--"

Clay stands on his feet. Mia's eyes widen. "Clay, sit the fuck down." Mia hisses.

"If there's someone that needs to be saved, I'm gonna try to save them." He nods his head.

Mia looks at Clay with an incredulous expression. "And if this is the day that I die, then I die standing up." He continues.

Younger Mia looks at the brunette who was still looking at Clay like he was insane. "Yeeeah...your boyfriend's an idiot." She states.

"Though I still think it's a fucking drill." He adds.

"Clay Jensen, I swear to God..." Mia grips his hand and stands up. "If you leave this room, I--"

Clay cuts the brunette off and hastily places his lips on hers. Mia's eyes widen as Clay kisses her.

Younger Mia whistles, "Clay Jensen with the moves!" She claps.

Clay separates from the short-haired girl and walks away. Mia opens and closes her mouth as Clay leaves the room. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She inhales deeply.

"Well, are you gonna go after him?" Younger Mia questions.

"NO, NO, NO! DON'T SHOOT!" Clay shouts in the hall.

Mia's heart stops and she sprints out the room. "And there she goes!" Younger Mia cheers. "Willing to die for a boy who isn't even her boyfriend anymore..."

⁴𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 , 13rw ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now