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"Clay, where's Jeff?"

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"Clay, where's Jeff?"

"S-S-Stop looking at me like that...where is he, please?"

"Mia, I'm so sorry..."

Mia gasps awake, but she immediately coughs trying to catch her breath. Her whole body was in pain. She looks around and blinks, trying to focus her eyes. "C-Clay? Zach?" She weakly calls out. She slowly moves, but quickly screams from the pain in her side. She looks down and her eyes widen as she sees a shard of glass stuck in her side. "Holy shit..." She starts to breathe quickly.

She moves slightly and pain erupts in her body again. "HOLY SHIT!" She screams, tears sliding down her cheeks. She hears a small groan. She turns her head and her eyes widen. "Zach?" She questions. The brunette slowly lays on her good side and pulls herself over to the unconscious boy. "Zach, you have to wake up--Jeff, please!" Mia sobs.

Mia touches Zach's shoulder and shakes him. She moves her hand to her pocket, but she didn't feel her phone. "Shit!" Mia cries out.

"Zach...Zach, you have to wake up, please!" Mia says, she feels her body get heavier as well as her eyelids.

Zach stirs, he groans again and slowly opens his eyes. He looks around and his breathing quickens as he remembers what happened. He turns his head and meets blue eyes. "Mia?" Zach questions. Mia manages a smile, that was filled with pain. "Yes! Yes--okay...Zach, listen to me..." She says in a firm tone.

"Can you...can you get out from under the car?" She asks.

Zach slightly wiggles his legs, his bad leg was in pain and so was his arm. But he was able to move. "I-I can..." Zach slowly slides out from under the car with a grunt.

Mia nods her head, "Th-that's should get to now..." Mia whispers, her pain, and exhaustion taking over.

Zach crawls over to her. "Walker, you got to stay awake." He says.

"Why? You're already safe..." She coughs out.

He looks down at the glass in her side. "Okay, Holy Shit..." Zach says. He takes his jacket off. "Here..." He presses his jacket around the glass that was still stuck inside her. Mia cries out in pain.

"I-I accidentally called you Jeff," Mia says in pain. "I guess...having someone important to you  die in a car crash will do something to you." She chuckles but quickly sobs. "I just...wanted t make sure you and Clay were..." Mia's eyes slowly start to close. But her eyes quickly open. "W-Where's Clay?" Mia asks. Her breathing quickens. "No, no, no...where's Clay?!" Mia sobs.

"Clay fucking left." Zach groans in pain, he keeps his hands on her bleeding side.

Mia pulls her brows together, "W-What? What are you...talking about?" She questions.

⁴𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 , 13rw ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now