College Interview (2)

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Clay lays in his bed

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Clay lays in his bed. His nose was stuffy, he was sweaty, and he was exhausted. It's weird, he was tired but couldn't go to sleep. He curls up in his blankets and lays on his side. There's a light knock at the door. Clay sighs, "Justin, you can just come in." He calls out.

The door continues to be knocked on. Clay quietly groans. "We have keys for a reason--"

Clay opens the door and sees the brunette standing there with a content face."Hi!" She exclaims.

"Mia, What...why are you here right now?" He asks, he takes a step back so she wouldn't get any of his germs in herself.

Mia smiles, "We had a date, dumbass and we're gonna have it." She brushes past him and walks over to his bed.

She opens the soup and sets it on the nightstand. Clay closes the door and turns to the brunette. "Mia, you could get sick." He says. "And I have my mom taking care of me, I'm fine."

"Nope, I sent your parents on a date night!" Mia places her hands on her hips. "And if I get sick school!" She cheers.

Clay opens his mouth. "Mi--"

"Oh, just read." She hands him the comic.

Clay accents the comic and his eyes widen. "No way!" He exclaims.

Mia smiles. "You're my favorite Geek." She states, lightly patting his cheek.

Clay looks at the girl. "You didn't have to do this." He shakes his head. "Why did you do this?" He asks.

"Because I love you." Mia shrugs. "Now, come on..." she grabs his hand, she starts to take off her shoes and leads him to the bed.

Mia grabs Clay's laptop and places the DVD in. Mia sits on the bed and stares at Clay with an arched brow. "Well, Jensen?" She questions.

Clay just takes a moment to stare at her. Her short brown hair in a ponytail, her eyes touched with every shade of blue, that smile that always made him "You know, I would kiss you if I weren't sick." Clay chuckles, walking over to the bed.

Mia chuckles quietly and her face heats up. "Shut up..." She says quietly. The brunette scoots over and Clay lays back down. Mia hands him the bowl of soup and the spoon. "Here." she says.

Clay holds the bowl, he looks at her then back at the bowl. "You...cooked?" he asks.

"Our chef, Tori, helped me, but...yeah you could say that I cooked." She gives him a tight-lipped smile.

"Also...about that kiss." Mia kisses his cheek.

Clay's heart bangs against his chest. He chuckles nervously and opens the soup. He takes a sip of it and practically melts. Clay looks at the brunette who was anxiously waiting for feedback. "Well..." she bunches her shoulders.

⁴𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 , 13rw ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now