lxviii. end of the beginning

Start from the beginning

The sight before him is, to say the least, absolutely cataclysmic. The wide corridor by the courtyard of Helm's Deep is crowded in every inch with people, either alive or seriously injured. Legolas knows this because those who have died during the battle or have succumbed to their wounds have been led from the infirmary to the lower grounds, where it is less destroyed and a more decent place to respect their memory. He had seen Britta the War Hero been carried to the same grounds just a few moments before, followed by a despairing Edgar and a grieved Edmund. The stench of dried blood and death lingered in the air around Legolas, making his stomach churn in distress over what could possibly happen inside the Healing Halls.

He lifted his head to stare at the wooden doors leading towards the infirmary before placing it back into his hands to hide his welling eyes.

The only sounds being heard resonating through the crowded corridors is the bustling of the busy Healers inside the large Hall, as well as the occasional shouts when a body is failing to cooperate. The women and children have been let out of the caves by the end of the battle but they were not met with the same victory as before...no, they were met with a sight that caused more gloom and misery than ever. However, their presence is appreciated as the helpful healing hands of a woman have managed to heal half of those inside the healing rooms but it didn't do anything to ease Legolas' worry. The prince had been informed beforehand by Grimmund that Aldwin is inside those Halls, along with a handful of people, and are attempting to revive Vera from her horrid state. Currently, they are just waiting for the report of her well-being but nothing has come out of that room as of yet.

Grimmund is seated next to Legolas, his own head hung down in worry over his cousin. He had, after all, been the one that found her body beside Britta's amidst the horrors of battle. They both are clad in scars and bruises that are yet to heal and be tended to but neither of them has allowed anyone to treat them. No, all their worries are pointed at Vera and her recovery.

Although Legolas and Grimmund are stubbornly sat on their benches with distraught expressions, refusing to move or speak to anyone other than the voices in their head, the rest of the people around them throw themselves into work. Shortly after the battle, Aragorn had been preoccupied with his greeting with Gandalf the White as well as the provisions of the women and children, accepting the help from Thèoden and his men as they scour over the bodies and pick out those who are dead and those who are gravely injured. Elfswith has been greatly injured and is still clinging onto his life, and is said to be lying beside Vera in the infirmary as a number of healers work on recovering them by order of the King of Rohan. Corin and Neptune have been forced to help in the finding of bodies but occasionally visit from time-to-time to check on their Queen and family.

Meanwhile, Edgar is somewhere off to grieve his father — where? Legolas isn't sure nor does he entirely care at the moment — and the children are either recovering or attempting to bring more spirits into the dull stronghold. Èmiliya had even visited Legolas and Grimmund in the hopes that they would play with her but was whisked away by her aunt by the time a smile and a chuckle elicited from Legolas and Grimmund. The prince could clearly imagine how Vera would be reacting to his distraught state and the mere thought of her laugh brought another smile onto his face. Legolas' eyes focused on the far corner as his gaze lands on a dead child with his mother sobbing over him, accompanied by an even younger boy as he stares blankly at his late brother. His heart twists and he forces himself to look away.

Mercilessly, his attention is captured by something else as the Healer Halls' door swings open soundly. His head snaps up instantly after the slightest creak is heard from the opening, moving so fast that his neck nearly snapped and broke. By the mercy of the Valar, however, his neck remains intact as his wide eyes meet Aldwin's tired form. Grimmund immediately stands from his seated position to assist his father onto the bench he was previously been sitting on, noting the worried stretch lines on his face. Legolas moves from his own place, granting the man a little more space so he can rest peacefully after the long hours of battle and healing. Aldwin thankfully accepted the seat, sighing as he sat down and placed his head in his hands out of exhaustion.

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