We heard commotion after a while so we went outside. Kangsung had his sword out, and there was a guy curled up on the ground in pain. "What are you doing? Kangsung? What's going on?" I asked him. Suho was there too. "Damn it. Of all the luck. I have to see you twice in one day." He said when he saw me.

I laughed humourlessly. "If you lack luck, at least have good fortune. Don't touch me, if you want to go home with your face still intact." I threatened. "Why that little-" Suho tried to inch forward but the boys beside me stepped forward slightly, leaving me behind them. I didn't flinch though. There's no need for them to protect me. I can protect myself. He didn't scare me. Besides, I don't think he'd actually hurt me in this public place.

Kangsung put his foot on the guys head and took out his sword, and explained that he didn't have an entry permit to the Capital so it should be okay to kill him, or something along those lines, I didn't listen much.

Kangsung was hit by something on the head before he could do anything with the sword. He angrily asked who that was and we all looked at the mysterious stranger walking into the place.

The two of them were fighting but Kangsung was getting beaten. Badly.

Suho looked to me. "What are you doing? Your friend is hurt physically and emotionally." I gave him a "seriously" look before he continued. "You know, you're a jerk with no loyalty." He finished. Gibo raced forward to my defense but I held my arm out to stop him. "Stay out of it." I ordered. "But Banryu-" He tried. "If you jump into a fight like this," I paused and looked at Suho, "You'll only get dirty." I finished, and then looked at Kangsung. "You pathetic loser." Was all I said and walked away.

I'm going home.

I got back to my house and my stepfather was in the living room. "I heard Kangsung got into a fight." He said and I nodded. "And you didn't stop or defend him? Even when he was getting beaten?"

I stayed silent, looking at the ground. I could see his hand raise before I felt a sharp sting on the left cheek. I stayed looking at the ground, so that he wouldn't see me cry. "Don't let that happen again. I know he's a lower class that us but I told his father I would." He said. "Leave."

I nodded, bowed and left to go to my room. I held my stinging face out of sight. My eyes continued to well up until the tears fell, and they kept falling until I could no longer think straight, my eyes got heavy, and I fell asleep.

I was around town the next day and saw a poster being put up. There was a boy reading it out loud. "They're selecting dogs for the Queen." I commented, once he was finished, and commented on how nice it sounded.

"Who would do such a thing. Right Banryu?" Shin said.

"I'm surprised you're interested in these things. What? You're planning to apply?" Suho's voice asked. "You can wag your tail all you want." I replied before turning around and making my way to leave. "I thought that was your speciality?" He said, and I stopped walking. "Isn't that what you do with your stepfather?" I turned around and walked back to him slowly.

"These days, we have been quite distant." I told him. "I know, right? Let's fight?" He suggested.

So we did. We played soccer together and my group won again.

"Hey!" I called to a disappointed Suho, putting a hand on his shoulder, patting it. "As promised, you will pay for the alcohol at Okta for two weeks." I said, smiling, and patting him some more before leaving him and his team alone in the middle of the field. A bunch of girls surrounded us as we went over to the tent we had our gear in. A girl started dabbing my face and neck with a towel but I just kept my eyes on Suho. Winning against him in soccer always felt great.

A couple of days later, I was given a letter from Suho. "Let us meet tomorrow in Najeong and have a duel." It said. "Najeong?" I questioned. Ugh. Why Najeong of all places? We could get severely punished if we're found there. Especially fighting.

"Naj-" I sighed in frustration, putting my hand up to my head. Whyyyy.

I arrived at street where the Queen's parade for the King's birthday was taking place. We tried to cross the street but we weren't allowed so we had to stand at the side of the road. "Darn it." I said, when I saw Suho standing there too, and I went to go stand somewhere else. "Just get in. Do you think I want to stand here with you?" He asked. I reluctantly stood beside him.

"You better come tonight. If you don't you're dead." Suho spoke up. I snapped my head to look at him. "My sentiments exactly. Anyway, you must be excited to see your beloved Queen." I teased. "It is loyalty regardless of gender. Rebels like you would never understand." He answered back bitterly.

I laughed. "You've never met the Queen, have you?" I asked. "So what?" He asked. I tutted. As the Queen passed, everyone bowed their heads, including me. Yes, I still have respect. My father and stepfather may hate the queen, but I for one still have respect. I could see Suho out of the corner of my eye lift his head up slightly to look at her.

Faceless King, Hidden Princess (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now