Facing The King Of Brooklyn...AKA...My Not So Scary Brother

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        Hazel's POV

         I just gave a kiss on the cheek to a boy I have known for less than a day.  Then again, I have pretty much fallen in love with a boy  have known for less than a day.  The kiss on the cheek doesn't sound so bad when comparing it to the love part, now does it?

        The kiss though, even though it was just a kiss on the cheek I felt sparks.  The kind of sparks that people who are in love feel.  It just, it just felt so right.

        I know, I sound crazy, I should just forget about it. I probably won't see him again anyway, especially since Spot isn't ever gonna let me out of his sight again.

        But I can't forget, something about Crutchy won't let me forget.

        All these thoughts were running threw my head as I was walking back to Brooklyn.  Then, Chuckles spoke up.

        "So, I'se think you'se owes me an explanation."Chuckles said knowingly.

        "An explanation?  Of what?"I aid trying to sound innocent.

        "C'mon Hazel, don't play dumb with me.  Or should I'se say Princess."Chuckles annoyed.

        He smiled at me, knowing how much I hated that name.  I gave him a look, but it was his turn to play innocent.  Still, I didn't give in.

        "Foist of all, don't call me princess, second I'se don't know what explanation you'se are talking about."I persisted.

        "Alright, how bout' an explanation of why you'se took off without me dis mornin', why you'se look like ya got soaked, why you'se were hanging around da Manhattan newsies, and probably the thing I'm most curious about is why Crutchy had his arm around ya waist and why ya kissed him on the cheek when ya left.  That is what I want an explanation of."Chuckles said.

        I frowned not wanting to recall some of today's earlier events.  Chuckles noticed my change in mood and stopped walking.

        "Hazel, are you'se alright?"Chuckles asked concerned,

        Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I wouldn't let them.  There is no way I am going to cry over what the Delancy's did again.  I answered Chuckles question with a quick shake of my head.  Maybe a little too quick.

        "Hazel, please tell me what's wrong.  I'se want to help you'se not hurt you'se."Chuckles pleaded,

        I stubbornly shook my head and tried to walk away from Chuckles, but he pulled me back by my arm.

        "Hazel, I'se can't help you'se if ya don't tell me what's wrong."Chuckles pointed out.

        But still, I refused to tell him anything.  Once he figured out I wasn't going to talk he let out  sigh of defeat.

        "Fine, don't tell me anything!  But ya better have a good explanation for Spot because he's pissed."Chuckles warned.

        Chuckles gave me a pitiful look.  Then he threw his arm around my shoulder, and walked me back to Brooklyn.

*******************************************At Brooklyn******************************************************

        We arrived at the docks just as the sun was setting.  Chuckles and I were making our way down the docks and towards the Lodging House.

         Several Brooklyn newsies were running around in a panicked manner.  Others looked incredibly nervous.  I wonder what they are all so worried about.  

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