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 I don't own any of the newsies.  I only own the ones I make up such as Chuckles, Bully, Shadow, Click, Hazel ad a few others.  Also this story takes place after the strike.

        My name is Hazel and Spot Colon is my big brother.  Or should I say his real name Johnathan.  l love my brother, but he can be extremely overprotective!  He always has his boids following me me everywhere.  And I'm never allowed to do anything dangerous because I could get hurt.  Some days he won't even let me sell papes.


        The reason I think Spot is so protective of me because of our childhood.  It wan't the greatest.  When I was 7 and Spot was 9, my mudder started cheating on my fadder with some guy she met out buying groceries for our family.  My fadder started to get angry, my mom would  leave at 6:00 in the morning and not come back until 12:00 at night.  At first, it was only once a month when she would disappear, then it became once  week, then every other day, until finally, it turned into everyday.  That's when my fadder knew something was up. 

        He started to question my mudder a lot, he asked where she was going, what she was doing, who would be there, and she always had some lame excuse.  So one day my fadder decided to follow her.  Let's just say he saw something he didn't like.

        The next day my mudder moved out.  She packed up all her stuff and left us.  She didn't even say goodbye.  That's when my fadder cracked!  He would go to bars and drink.  Then he would return home drunk at three in the morning.

        That's when everything started to go wrong.



        I was laying next to Johnathan in bed when I was awoken by a loud SLAM!   Johnathan and I both shot up and looked at each other.

        "Did you here that?"I asked startled.

        "Yeah Fadder must be home."John said rubbing his eyes.

        "Should we go check on him?"I asked.

        "No you don't want to be near him when he's drunk.  Let's just pretend were sleeping."John said laying back down.

        I listened to him and tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't.  BANG!

       This caused me to jump.  BANG!  I jumped again.  




         By now John had wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him.

        "What do youse think he's doing down there?"I whispered.

        "Ise don't know Hazel, Ise don't know!"John whispered back.

        There were a few more bangs and then our father shouted.


        I whimpered and hugged John tighter.

        "C'mon, he'll only get angrier if we'se ignore him."John said getting out of bed.

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