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dear diary,

hey diary! it's been a while since i've written in you. sorry, but i've been busy!!!

first off, i got my phone and laptop privileges back! and the wifi is restored!!

charli and i have been hanging out a ton! my mom thinks that we're just friends now and after a ton of begging and pleading, we can hangout again. it's a little hard to keep pda to private spaces because i just wanna hold her hand all the time.

i feel a little guilty, but i'm continuing to educate my mom. she even sat through my powerpoint presentation on sexuality that i made for a project in ap psych last year!! she even apologized for how she acted and is trying to change her mindset. i'm still hesitant, but this is giant steps for the both of us.

gina and i finished our project early and we both believe that we'll definitely get an a on it and that the class will be easy for us to manage. we got our schedules last week and we actually have ap research together!! maybe first period won't be so bad. oh yeah! let me share my schedule!!!

ap research
ap gov/ap micro
chem honors
prob and stat honors
public speaking
free period

i'm really excited for senior year! i'm glad that i took college english last year and got both my credits because i get a free period. i get to go home early and do nothing. maybe i'll start watching anime...

charli actually is going to be homeschooled this year, but we'll get to hangout a lot because her school day ends before mine. summer was really good to me and i'm so thankful.

i can't believe i got a good friend and a girlfriend during the course of one summer.

i have to go to bed now because school starts tomorrow!! i'm gonna wake up early to group facetime charli and gina for the first day. i already have my outfit planned and my hair curling overnight. hopefully i can do my makeup cute.

love, eleanor


dear diary; CHARLI D'AMELIO ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant