I followed behind him as we left the room. 

        What we saw was horrifying.  All the furniture was flipped over and there was a chair through the window.  Trash was all over the floor and the broken mirror left glass everywhere.  There was also one giant whole in the wall which my fadder was currently punching repetitively.

        I looked and Johnathan and his face was full of shock.  I whimpered again causing my fadder to turn around.  He gave us a crazed look that only someone with a mental illness could, and his eyes, there was nothing behind them, they were emotionless.

        He started to walk towards us and John pushed me behind him.

        "Move outta the way boy!"My fadder ordered.

        "No!"John shouted.

        "WHAT DID YOU'SE SAY TO ME?"Fadder shouted.

        "Ise said no!"John said firmly.

        "I'm given you'se one last chance.  GET! OUT! OF! THE! WAY!"My Fadder demanded.

        "No, I'm not gonna let you'se hurt her!"John declared.

        My fadder grabbed John by the arm and flung him into the wall.  He bang John again the wall until he was unconscious and his head was bloody.

        "JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!"I screamed running over to him.

        I knelt down next to his unconscious body and laid my head on his chest.  Thankfully,I could still hear a heart beat.  I started to cry when my fadder grabbed me by the throat a threw me against the wall, much like he did to Johnathan.  Then I felt a hand make contact with my cheek and a fist with my eye.  He punched me repetitively and then stood up to kick me.  I heard a CRACK and knew something was broken, but my fadder didn't care.  He just continued to soak me.  Next, he grabbed a piece of broken glass and ran the sharp end across my forehead.  I felt the blood trickle down my face and into my mouth,

        Finally, he grabbed me by the throat and started to squeeze. I felt the air disappearing from my lungs and I started to get light headed.  My throat was on fire and the room was spinning.  This was it.  This is how I'm going to die.

        Almost all the air had left my lungs when suddenly, my fadder let go of my neck.  Then  heard a loud thump.  I waited for my vision to be unclouded and looked at the ground.  There I saw my fadder passed out drunk on the ground in front of me.

        I put my head in my hands and tarted to cry.

        Why would he do this?


        That was the first time my father abused Johnathan and I, but it wasn't the last.  He continued to do this for a while until one night, Spot and I decided to run away.


        "C'mon Hazel youse need to hurry up!"John said rushing me.

        "I'm moving as fast as Ise can"I complained.

        "We'll your going to have to move a lot faster if you want to find somewhere to sleep before it gets dark."John snapped.

        I rolled my eyes, but started to walk faster.

        As we walked I started to wonder some things.

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