Day 12 Conforming To God

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Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


You try to do your best to live up to everybody's expectations and wants for you. They expect you to be this and that as if they know the right and best things for you. The world has a lot of standards that unless met, you don't belong, you don't fit in, you miss out on something good. It's worldly wisdom put you in a place of confusion, rejection, and feeling of being neglected. 

As a result, you act according to their words just to let them see that you're capable, that you're strong enough to follow and live up to their standards. You do it until your last vein gets stretched and your soul be consumed by the idea of keeping up. The world says that if you're really that good, if you really want to be wanted and accepted, you should be this and that.

"If you're the Messiah, then you should be able to save yourself."

Sounds familiar. What we're told is somehow what we tell Jesus. He had been on the same boat, the difference is, we do it to Him.

Yet He did not conform to the world's expectations, to our demands, to the things what we wanted Him to do. Rather, He continued the mission from God. For Him, the voice of His Father matters the most because it is good, pleasing, and perfect.

What He will be doing that time will serve a greater purpose than what the people are telling Him to do. Many will be disappointed and upset, but following the voice of truth is always worth it.

It might be painful. Obeying to God resulted to Jesus being crowned with thorns, rejected and betrayed, and worst, nailed to death. But because of Jesus' obedience, you receive freedom and salvation from sin, eternal life, and Jesus.

In your case, conforming to God might require you to give up some people, your own ideals and principles, and some worth in the eyes of the world. You don't have to keep up to other's standards because their wills are not always good, pleasing, and perfect.

Let Jesus' obedience on the cross be your standard of decision making. Following God may cost you a lot, but nothing can ever amount to what you already have—Jesus.


Will you conform to this world? Or follow Jesus and conform to God?

List the things you have to give up to conform to God's will in your life and leave the world's standards behind. Pray for your heart to let them go, be it relationships, lifestyle, or tangible things. (Keep this list and go over them from time to time.)


I hope you learned something in our Day 12.
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God bless. ♡

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