Noah Farrakhan

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"Hell no" I said to Noah
"Please Y/N I would literally do anything for you" He begged
"Noah I'm not about to act like I'm your girlfriend to your friends and family are you crazy" I lowkey yelled at him
"I need you too for me....please y/n" he begged
"No No-"
"24!" He shouted
"don't you do that!" I said
"BUT I DID SO YOU HAVE TO DO IT" he ran off. I chased after his ass cause he know what he just did.

Me and Noah have a safe number which is obviously 24. We say this word when we either: want the other to do something. Stop the other from talking about an topic and so on I think y'all get the point.

"Y/N come on you act like dating me is so bad. You hurting my feelings lowkey" he said

It's not that I don't want to do it cause I really do. It's that I have a big ass crush on him and he keep fucking with me gonna make a explode.

"I'm sorry" I said looking at him pouting
"So you'll do it?" He looked excited
"Noah why me? I know you have more female friends than me" I rolled my eyes
"Because we've been friends for so long now they already know you. Come on I would do it for you" he said
"Alright man" I said huffing
"YAAYY" he picked me up and spin me around

"As of right now you are my girlfriend so whatever you need let me know" he said
"Boy bye we acting" I said lowkey mad at myself for saying it out loud
"My girl gonna get whatever she wasn't so like I said whatever you need just let me know" he said kissing my cheek

Man what is he doing to me? If this wows someone else It would have been a hell no but because this is Noah and I love him I'm doing it

~Noah House~

"Hey y/n" his mom hugged me
"Hey momma" I said hugging her
"How you been? I haven't seen you in so long" she said rocking ya side to side
"I've been good, how about you?" I asked her
"I've been good" she said letting me go

Before she could say anything else Noah had came and wrapped his arms around me

"Oh my gosh! Are y'all finally dating?" She asked. I smiled and looked at Noah
"Yes ma" he said laughing
"How long? Oh never mind that I'm so happy" she said hugging me again
"Alright ma can I have my girl back before we go to the back where everyone at?" He said pulling me into him
"Aww okay but please don't be too long" she said and with that Noah pulled me upstairs to his room.

When we got to his room I plopped down on his back on my stomach and closed my eyes. Noah dumbass decided to jump on me knowing damn well he heavy as hell.

"Noah get the hell off of me dumb fuck" I said bout out of breath
"Kiss me" he said
"What?" I asked him
"Kiss me Y/N and I will get off of you" he said
"Hell no" I said shaking my head knowing I was lying to myself
"We gonna have to kiss when we go down there so why not kiss me now" he said
"Why are we gonna have to kiss Noah?"
"Remember we are dating" he said
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes
"So kiss me" he said he said getting up a little to where I could roll over to be on my back and him over me. I grabbed his face and looked at him for a second before bring his face closer to mines and looking at his lips.
"Stop playing with me y/n" he said

As I was about too his mom came in
"Noah it's ti-oh I'm sorry. But it's time for y'all to come down" she said then leaving

I bust out laughing then pushing him off me
"Damn ma" he said rolling his eyes then following me downstairs

"NOAH" is all you heard when you step outside
"What's up" he said then put his arm about me
"Damn ma what's your name" this boy came up to me
"Chill with all that on my girl" he said

His girl?? As if I want to though!

"Damn I didn't know you could pull a baddie" he said licking his lips
"Get the fuck on man" he said rolling his eyes
"What ever cuz imma catch you later dawg" he said then walked away.
"Whatever" he said shaking his head

"I'm bout to go sit down you have a good time with your family though" I told him
"Nah we both bout to go sit down" he said and pulled me over to an area that nobody was and pulled me onto him
"Noah" I said grinning putting my head in the crock of his neck
"What?" He said wrapping his arms around me
"Your family is here" I said
"And?" He said shrugging rubbing my thigh

"Aww look at y'all" I heard his mom so I moved my neck from his neck
"Hey ma" I said laughing
"How long is you staying over?" She asked
"I didn't give my mom I told her I would just tell her when I'm on the way" I told her
"Okay. I made baked macaroni for you"she said

Now if you don't love home made back macaroni better then that cheap shit we can't hang

"Yes!" I said laughing
"I'll put a plate up for you just let me know when you ready to eat" she said
"Okay thank you" I said
"Dang ma did I get a plate?" Noah asked?
"No, you can make your own" she said before walking away
"WOW" he said making me laugh
"My own moon didn't make me a plate but made you a plate. How that work?" He asked
"It just shows she like me better" I said shrugging

Next then you know this fucker don hit me in the ass. He better be lucky that shot didn't hurt like talking about it.

"Damn you got thick" he said
"Noah what the hell" I said laughing
"No for real. Last time I checked you wasn't this thick
"Yeah what ever" I said rolling my eyes

~Time skipped~
Noah family had just left and I was hanging out with Noah in his room just watching a movie.

"Alright buddy we are officially back to best friends" I said laying in bed beside him
"Yeah no. You my girl I don't care" he said
"What? What you mean I'm your girl" I asked him
"You as in Y/N is my girl. I mean come on now quit playing with me and acting like we don't have feelings for each other" he said
"How long have you known?" I asked him
"For some time. I heard you over the phone one day and just never told you" he said shrugging
"So you knew for awhile" I said standing up
"Y/N you acting like I just told you that I don't like you and don't want to be with you" he said getting up too
"I want to be with you. I want you to be my girl" I he standing over me
"What about basketball?" I asked him knowing how his other relationships ended
"I'll make time for what ever and who ever I love" he said. I looked down smiling and he picked my head back up with his fingers

"So you my girl? This time?" He asked laughing a bit
"Yes I'm girl. This time" I said and brought his face in and looked at his lips
"Don't do this again" he said holding my hips

This time I actually kissed him. Nice and slow but I had to pull away before things get too carried away

"Don't start to shit Noah" I said going to lay back down
"Who me?" He asked laying beside me

For the rest of the night it was just us watching movies and cuddling. IM NOT SINGLE ANYMORE...BYE!!

Book 2!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora