Sharief Cooper

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"Y/N please come to the game with me I really want you to come with me" my best friend Bri begged
"Bro you already know why I'm not going. I can't go through the pain again man" I shook my head

A couple of months ago me and my long term boyfriend now ex had a bad breakup. He didn't cheat, I didn't cheat. We were a perfect was just one argument and words was said. After that day I stopped communicating with him and only him because I couldn't stop talking to his family because well they were literally my second family. I still talk to both his sister and his brother just not him.

"Please I promise you if I had someone else to ask I would have but I don't" she grabbed my hand. I huff before looking at her
"Don't think that I like you cause I don't" I said rolling my eyes while I walked to my closet.
"Just hurry up I don't want to miss watching them warm up"

 "BITCH YOU CAN KISS MY ASS THE FUCK" I laughed "Just hurry up I don't want to miss watching them warm up"

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~At the Game~

I followed Bri in the gym trying to find seats. I was looking down so I could watch where I was going cause everyone acted like they couldn't hear when I said excuse me and I don't want to crease my shoes. As I was walking I was pulled down.

"Hey sister" Tea and Mani said as they both hugged me
"Hey sisters I missed y'all" I said to them smiling
"Then why don't you call us huh?" Mani asked
"Don't do that cause I for sure do be texting and calling all y'all" I said
"My phone has been dry" Omar said coming up to me
"Hey Mar and you been with ya brother half the damn time I was texting you cause you would just look at it. Actually all y'all just been looking at my texts" I said getting up and looking at all them.
"Yeah about that we was filming a video" Mani said
"You should watch and also Subscribe" Mani said
"I already did" I laughed
"Oop okay in-law" she said doing a little dance
"Yeah what ever. Where momma at?" I asked
"She stayed home, she wasn't feeling good" Omar said
"Aww I'll call her tomorrow" I said then looked back to see Sharife looking my way. I at him too till he looked away.
"Get back together"Tea said
"No" I shook my head
"Please" all then begged
"No" I shook my head
"We miss you" Mani said
"Y'all act like I don't talk to y'all" I rolled my eyes playfully
"No like we miss you coming to the house" Omar said
"Come to mines shit" I said shrugging
"Uh-GIRL" Tea started laughing
"I'm bout to go sit down with Bri I'll catch y'all after the game" I told them before walking off.

"Damn took you long enough" Bri said rolling her eyes
"I had to talk to them" I said laughing.


I got up so I could go get me a little snack. As I was doing that I was pulled to the side.
"Why are you here?" Sharife asked me
"Let's not cause I don't even want to be here either" I rolled my eyes
"Then why are you?"
"Because Bri dragged me here smart one. Don't be focused on me, focused on the game sweetheart" I said about to walk away but he pulled me back
"I see you need dick" he said

What the fuck? Who just says that shit? But hell he right.

"Nope" I shook my head
"Why not?" he asked
"Two reasons. One I'm still mad at you and Two that's toxic as hell" I said tilting my head to the side.
"I said I was sorry to you multiple time but you're just petty" he shook his head
"Whatever" I shook my head
"Come to my house"
"Come to my house after the game" he said again
"I'm with Bri"
"So? bring her" he shrugged
"I gotta ask her cause she drove
"Alright" he said then walked off

~After the game in Bri car~
"So we really going to his house huh?" She asked
"Yeah I guess so. I mean it's not like anything gonna happen cause you're gonna be there and his siblings" I told her
"Wait Omar gonna be there?" She said
"Yea I mean that is his brother" I said looking at her
"BITCH" she said grabbing her purse and grabbing the perfume that was in it and started going ham on herself in the fucking car almost killing me

"Hoe stop it we in the fucking car" I said trying to breath
"My bad but I have to be ready" she said
"For what?" I asked looking at her dumbass
"To see Omar duh" she said

This dumb hoe. Omar do not want her ass. Oh well

~At the Coopers house~

"Y/N HERE" Tea yelled hugging me
"Y'all acting like I didn't just see y'all" I laughed
"Exactly" Sharife said coming and taking me away from them and going into his room.

"So what's up?" I asked him
"I don't know how I want to start this to be honest with you" he
"Just say it Raife" I said laying down on his bed on my side though so I could look at him.
"I want to get back together" he said
"Come on now you know we can't get back together" I said rolling my eyes
"Why not? We didn't cheat on each other, I love you, I hope you love me" he said which made me roll my eyes
"Now you know I love yo ass so stop" I said
"Okay then so what's the problem?" He asked
"We didn't have time for each other and other relationship was toxic rife" I said
"I'll make time for us to work. I know it's not just about Basketball and I know what my life is with out you and I don't like it" he said laying before me so I took it as a chance to play with his chain
"I don't want to end up like last time Rife" I said looking him in the eye
"We not" he said closing the space between us

I got my baby back!!! I hope we don't end up like last time.......

Book 2!!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя