Amari Bailey

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"I'm not bout to argue with you either you can come get your stuff or it get thrown away either way it is not gonna be here" I told Amari on the phone.m

I'm done arguing with my now ex boyfriend. The reason we broke up is because we stayed arguing over the stupid stuff and i was done. Everything i did was a argument even if I don't say anything he just finds something to fight with me about. So I'm done its taking a hold on my mental and he's not trying to better our relationship so why be together?

When he get to my house i put the box's next to the door do we can make this a quick proses.

"You really bout to do this bruh" was the first thing he said to me
"Yes bro I'm tired of fighting with you, you not tuna better this relationship,, you don't care about me, we can't be in the even be in the same environment without us arguing. Our fiends feel uncomfortable when we are together, they don't want to invite the both of us because they know we are going to fight and i don't blame them cause i wouldn't want to either. I'm done looking like a clown. If you don't care then why should i?" I said moving more boxes to the door
"That's not even true. How you gonna say i don't care about you? I'm with you, I'm not the one giving up on us" he said
"You don't care because you you stop showing affection, you stop spending time with me, you started showing little and little interest in me so what you think I'm gonna start to think when you just all so a sudden stop talking to me bro what" i said handing him another box
"Ma I've been stress with basketball-"
"For months? Come on now quit it bro I'm tired of these lies. You've been stress with basketball well so have i but you wont have known because the only thing you want to do is argue with me" I said shaking my head
"Bae look I'm sorry okay? My mental has just having me down. I feel angry all the time and I just take it out on you" He said taking my hand
"Mari that something you come and talk to me about. Why you feeling down? You don't want to hurt yourself or others do you?" I asked him looking him straight inn the eye
"No no I don't want to hurt anything its just I'm out of high school now and I'm heading to college so the ledge is coming soon what if i don't make it" he said letting go of my hands
"Amari i know you is not doubting yourself right now. You've been working so hard on you feature it is very bright for you man, why would you even start thinking like that?" I asked
"Because it's all coming so fast i don't think I'm ready"
'No your ready. Watch when you get to UCLA you're gonna feel like you're at home. You're gonna start ballin out" i said making him smile
"You gonna be there?" He asked me wrapping his arms around
"You gonna push me away?" I wrapped my arms around his neck
'No. I missed you" he said kissing on my neck
"I miss you more bookie" i said laughing because he hate that nickname
"You lucky i love your ass bro" he said picking me up
"Amari" i took his face and made him look at me
"Y/N" he said back
"I love you" i told him
"I love you more" he said before kissing me.

This is the first time we kissed in months. I missed him so much. I didn't realize how frustrated I was.

"Come on lets go to my room" i told him

I really missed my baby. I hate arguing it take a toll on mental health especially if you keep arguing all the time. Then be toxic on top of that. I missed his takes him away from me already so when we was fighting I'll be lucky if i even hear from him. There was a time period where i had him block to see if he cared...he didn't. He didn't try to make other accounts to get in contact to me, email me,download an app. He did none of that, and i was hurt. I thought if he claim he loved me so much then he would do anything to not loose me.

"Hey what 's wrong" he saw the look on my face
"It just that you claim you love me but when i had you block you didn't try at all, i made sure i talked to you and told you i love you even when you didn''t say it back. You was blocked and didn''t even seem like you care at all" i got out of his arms and walked to my room
"Baby listen to me, i really do apologize for my actions. I really am is in love with you. You mean so much to me. I protect your name when you're not around. When we was fighting it hurt me too. I wanted to lay with you and watch movies and make videos. I don't want to fight with you no more i want us to work on us and better this relationship. I see a feature with you and i don't want to let that go. I experience so much with you and i will like to experience more. I know I'm not the perfect boyfriend and I'm working on that really. You deserve everything and I want to give that to you Y/N. I promise you I'm changing for you" he said putting his head to mines

He can be so sweet with words at times. Mari and I have been together for three years now and this is the worst we have ever argue.

"I'm sorry for arguing" i said kissing him
"I'm sorry too" He said putting his hands on my ass
"Come on" i said laying him down on the bed

The rest is for us to know.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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