Chris Reddick

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~Destiny POV~
"What's up O'Neals" I said as I walked into the O'Neal residence. I come over so much they just don't care anymore, I just walk right in.
"Dess" Me'Arah said coming to hug me
"Hola" I said to Mimi
"What's sup" said said
"Oh hey Myles" I said looking him up and down I'm a playful way
"'s you" he said back to me making us laugh
"Uggh you love me" I said shaking my head
"Yeah you alright" he said patting my head
"What ever. Where's my best at?" I asked
"He's upstairs" Mimi said
"Alright catch y'all later"I told them as I walked up the stairs

"What's up fat head" I said as I walked in
"What I was having sex with a girl? Need to learn how to knock" he said
"Okay I'll knock when you do get a girlfriend" I said back to him
"How you don't know if I don't have a girlfriend?" He said
"Then we would be fighting because you kept something like that away from me" I told him
"It's not even that deep" he said laughing wrapping his arm around me
"But it is. But that's another conversation for later" I said and hugged him back
"Chris this my annoying as best friend Destiny, Destiny this is my cousins Chris" he said to the boy that was on his bed scrolling through his phone
""I'm not annoying, he's only saying that because he's a dumb brat that don't know how to act so if you don't act like him then we won't have problems" I told him and he laughed
"Nah i don't act nothing like this man" he said looking at me
"Then we straight" I said and sat down on the bed
"What you even come over here for?" Shaqir asked
"I mean damn I came over to see ya ugly ass but I came leave" I said standing up
"No no I was just asking" he said and pushed me back pdown on the bed
"You sure? I can leave bro" I said looking at him
"Yeah I'm sure. Chris you want her to leave?" He asked him
"Nah I need someone to talk to" he said looking at me
"You got Qir tho" I said
"He wasn't listing to me tho. You might actually listen to me" he said
"Okay I'll stay. What was y'all doing?" I asked leaning back taking out my phone.
"Nothing just been playing the game" Chris said and that when I looked at him.

This man is fine. Like what the fuck.

"Oh okay. What game?" I asked
"2k" Shaqir said and that's when Chris stepped out
"I'm so fucking mad at you man" I said playfully punching him
"What I do??" He asked laughing
"Why you didn't tell me yo cousin was fine?" I asked
"How was I supposed to know yo type? I never seen you talk to someone?" He asked
"Bruh Shaqir stop playing with me" I said
"What you want me to do?" He asked
"Put me on"i said
"Ummm no" he said shaking his head
"whyyyyy" I asked
"Because why would I do that?" I asked him
"Because do it yourself" he said
"Bruh oh for real? Alright next time you want me to put you on with one of my friends I'm not doing it cause you are horrible" I said rolling my eyes and taking out my phone
"Alright bro chill cuz yo friends fine" he said
"Yo cousin fine" i said right on time before Chris came back in
"What y'all talking bout?" He asked as he sat next to me
"How Imma beat Shaqir ass if he keep playing with me" I told him
"Damn Qir you be getting your ass beat?" He asked laughing
"Man she know what it is" Shaqir said shaking his head
"Bruh Chris just know we be in this mugg fighting" I told him looking at him
"Y'all are wild" he said laughing

My phone had started ringing so I got up and went outside the room.

~Shaqir POV~
"Chris" I called him
"Yeah?" He looked at me
"She fine isn't she?" I asked him
"Damn bro that's how you view yo best friend" he asked
"I 9mean I told her all the time that she is fine but I just won't date her cuz that's my bro and I'm into her friend but I think she's your type" I told him
"You think so?" He asked leaning back
"Hell yeah I mean come on man look at her, she's not ugly, she's actually funny, and once you taste her cooking you gonna fall bro" I told him and Y/n had walked in

"I gotta go to the gym before my dad starts bugging out" she told us
"You hoop?" Chris asked
"Yep" she said grabbing her car keys
"Chris walk her out bro" I told him
"Alright I guess" he said
"Alright Qir see you around bro" she said and dapped me up
"Fasho call me when you get home tonight" I told her before her and Chris walked out the room

~back to y/n POV~
Once me and Chris got to my car that's when he started talking
"So y/n you should let me get your number" he asked
"Why should I?" I asked him trying to play hard to get ya know
"Because I wanna get to know you" he said
"Okay" I said and told him my number
"If you don't text me I'll make sure to come over and beat your ass" I told him
"Same energy Ma"he said stepping closer
"What you wanna do? Fight in the drive way?" I asked him
"I mean we can" he said shrugging
"You lucky I gotta leave for practice but just let me know when you want to fight" i told him
"You just scared but whatever" he said shrugging
"boy whatever" I said laughing and got into my car
"Nah but for real tho what time would you be done with practice?" He asked me
"I might not leave till like eight or nine" I told him
"That's fine call me when you get situated " he said nodding
"Alright then Chris I'll call you" I said and like that I had started my way to the gym.

Man Chris is fine as hell so I hope he's not playing around.

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