Brandon Ingram

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Here I was. Crying on the floor again. It's been 4 months and I'm still crying. I can't get him out of my mind. All the memories that we shard means nothing anymore. Living in this house alone is still new to me. I can't get what he said to me that night out of my head.

I walked down the stairs slowly. I don't want to go to work but I have to. I grabbed my things, walked out, lock the door and got in my car. It don't help that I have to see Brandon everyday. I'm the nurse. I have to be there when ever the team is there. Yes it sucks but hey what can I do?

I walk to my office looking at my phone trying to text back everyone that I've been ignoring. It's not on purpose I just don't be in the mood for conversation. I look up from my phone for one second and see Brandon come around the corner also in his phone. See we walk past each other a lot but don't make eye contact.
It doesn't matter if we are on our phone or not. It's like we are strangers.

It's been a few hours and the team was   practicing drills. From my office all you heard was a load yell and balls drop to the floor. Within a few seconds Lonzo and Zion was carrying Brandon in. Just my luck right?
"What happen?" I asked getting some gloves on while they put him on the table.
"He landed wrong on his foot" Lonzo said
"Okay" I said getting my tools then they left. No I wanted them in here.

It was quite while I was examining him. I had to ask questions but I didn't. I just did it till he said it hurt. When I was done I wrapped it then threw away my gloves.
"Tae" he said.

Just the way he says my name makes me want to kiss him.

I turned his way and just waited to see what he was going to say. I don't want to talk to him. He broke me. If I talk....I don't know what I will say.
"How you been?" He asked. I nodded my head and turned back around to but the information in the systems.
"So what you not talking to me?"
"Brandon what do you want me to say? Everything we had to say was said that night. It's been four months. You could have talked to me but no you pretended that I wasn't there so yea I'm not talking to you but it doesn't seem like you even cared" I sat back down and continued my work.
"Alright" he said and got up and walked out.

~Game day~
Even on game days I have to be here even though paramedics are here I still have to be here.

The game was in the 3rd quarter. It was fine till Brandon landed on his foot again. The paramedics wasn't here yet so I had to do something.
"Alright people I need a stretcher and get him to my office stat" I told my team. I watched as they ran and got Brandon and went to my room.

Before I could even do anything this girl with a baby busted in.
"Brandon baby are you okay? Is it broken? Can you still play? How bad does it hurt?" She asked
"Yes I'm fine" I started wrapping his foot again. I was ready for him to leave so I did it fast.
"Okay your done. Not gonna be able to play for a couple of game and you should get some x-rays immediately" I said
"Okay" he said. As he got up the baby that was a girl saw him and reached for him and said "Daddy".........She called Brandon daddy. I couldn't even process this whole thing...this little thing. Brandon is a farther? He's in a new relationship already?

He looked back and me but I put my head down.
"Come on babe" the girl said opening the door and they walked out. I sat in my seat and put my head on my desk. What did I do to deserve this? Why is it that everyone I meet turns out to do me dirty?

The game been over for a couple of hours now and I'm at home. Is 11:00 at night. I saw in my spandex and long sleeve on the couch eating while watching something on YouTube in my tv.

There was a knock on my door. At first I wasn't going to answer it but they kept knocking so I got up so I can cuss they asses out.
"You don't have no right to be here right now"
"Tae just let me explain please?"
"Explain what? Cause it looks like you been cheating on my from the start"
"She's not mines Tae"
"What" I backed up to let him in a little cause I need my door close. Don't need no bugs getting in.
"She's not nor am I with her mother. When we broke up she cane around as a friend but I guess she got the wrong idea that me and her was together. When she introduced me to her daughter the first thing she said to me was "daddy" Tae. Tell me how am I supposed to tell a 2 year old that I'm not her dad?" He asked. I looked down at my feet. I couldn't say anything. He's right there is no way.

"My point. Her dad is not in her life. So yeah I started to play that role but we not together. I didn't cheat on you" he lifted my head
"Okay" was all I could say
"Okay? That's it....okay?"
"I don't know what to say Brandon"
"Tell me how you feel Tae. Come on it's been four moths"
"Okay... I feel like I'm the most heated person ever. The one person I get that really loves me says he don't love me when we been together for 5 years. Everyone that has ever came into my life has turned their backs on me but I never thought that he would just leave me. And it hurts because we worked so hard on that relationship for it to be forgotten about in just four months. It's hard to see you everyday. When you hurt your foot it was hard to do a exam on you just because it everything that happen" I broke down crying.

The last thing I wanted to do was cry let alone in front of brandon. I feel so weak to cry in front of him but I could t hold it back.

He came over to me and held me. His arms was wrapped right around my waist. Just as if we were together.

"I can't do it anymore Tae okay I need you. I love you. This was a mistake. Breaking up was a mistake. We both still love each other so let's get back together" he grabbed.

Should we?

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