Shareef O'Neal

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~Blue POV~
"Blue come on baby" Reef says
"Okay I'm coming" I started the camera

"What's up guys it's yo girl Blue and I'm back with another videooooo" I said to my camera.

Reef look at me like I was a Crackhead on ice. I laughed while putting my arms around him.

"Okay so y'all already know this is my boyfriend but if you are new to my channel hello my name is Blue and this is my boyfriend Shareef" I pointed to him
"Hey" his deep voice was so sexy to me it was crazy that when he just speck I get wet.

"Okay so we are doing the boyfriend tag because y'all wanted to see my boyfriend which I don't blame y'all cuz damn" I said looking at him
"Baby" he said wrapping his arms around me. I laughed because he gets all shy when I be hyping him up. Like imma hype my baby up the hell.

"But nah we bout to get started. Ready?"
"Yeah baby" he said.

I picked up my phone and went to my Instagram story where I told them to ask me some questions cuz they didn't want me to ask my own questions.

'When did you meet blue?"

"Uhh I meet Blue back in July of 2016. I had a game and it was summer League so everyone was there. After my first game me and some friends wanted to go and hang in the lobby so when we was there Blue and some of her friends was already in there. Cassies my boy already knew her so when introduced her to the rest of us I was like 'bro who is that' and yeah" he said not wanting to finished the story.

"Babe you don't wanna finished the story?" I smirked
"Not really" he put his head down. I laughed while finding a another question

"When was y'all first kiss?"

"Our first kiss was four months after we became official. We was at her house and her brother and sister was like 'kiss him' but she was acting all tough talking bout some no and what ever so when they left I looked at her and I could tell she was nervous so I grabbed her chin and kissed her. Oh and by the way that was her first kiss" he said airing me out.
"Wow babe" I said rolling my eyes playfully
"What it was" he smirk
"That's messed up" I shook my head

"What's blue full name?"

"Blue full name is Brealyn Naomi Brown. Her nick name is blue because her favorite color been blue since she was a child so that's what she's been call" he said looking at his wrist like it was nothing.
"Babe I didn't think you was gonna remember the whole story" I said looking at him shocked
"Duh Imma remember that" he said looking at me
"Okay baby I see you" I kissed his cheek

"What is Blue favorite food?"

"That's a trick question" he said hella fast
"BABE" I pushed him lightly
"What? it is" he laughed
"Baby" I kept a straight face
"It depends on her mood really"
"I can agree on that" I nodded
"See!" We laughed

"When was y'all first time👀"

"I'm a virgin" I say while Reef nodded

"First argument?"

"Ooh I wanna hear this" I turned to him.
"Okay so our first argument was because of this girl was trying to flirt with me... this got out of hand with her and blue then we started arguing about it. After all that we stop talking for some days" he said
"I still don't like her" I mumble
"Hey cut it out" he said into my ear
"The truth"I said back in to his
"It's done with"
"I know"
"Then stop it"
"Mkay" I let out of a puff

"How many kids do Blue wants?"

"We talked about this twice but she wants 3-4. Twins then a boy then a girl"
"Yeah Buh if I don't have twins then I just want 3" I said to the camera

"Blue favorite show?"

"That's easily we watch everything together. Her favorite show is Grey's Anatomy"
"That's my show yo"

"Who said I love you first?"

"Blue said it first but she didn't know she said it" he said laughing
"Babe stop laughing" I covered my face
"I'm sorry but it's funny" he said. I looked the other way waiting for him to stop laughing.
"Okay so we was arguing about something and I don't know it just came out. I wanted it to be special but at the time I thought we was about to break up" I said to the camera
"Which is stupid cause we not breaking up" he grabbed my chin
"Promise?" I whispered
"I promise" he whispered back kissing me.

"What's blue shoe size?"

"Her shoe size is 6-6.5"

"When is blue birthday?"

"Her birthday is May 11"
"How you remember?"
"Because we became official on the 10 so you get to be a queen for two days" he said
"I thought I was a queen any other day?"
"You are but these are your special days"

"Okay guys this gonna be the last question"

"What is blue favorite song?"

"At the moment her favorite song is Wild Wild West by offset because I put her on"
"You did?"
"Yeah. When we was just driving around I played it"
"Damn baby" I laughed

"Okay guys that's the end of this video if you would like for me to do the girlfriend tag let me know in the comments section down below. Leave a like for me and also share this video with you're friends but I'll see ya next video"
"PEACE" Reef said putting his hand in front of the camera blocking the lens.

I turned the camera off then walked back to where we was sitting.

"Baby I didn't think you was going to answer all them questions correct" I looked at him
"Why wouldn't I? I listen to you" he looked at me like I was crazy
"I know but I just thought that you was gonna get something wrong..maybe the questions was too easy"
"You can try to make them harder but I'm telling you I know you" he says wrapping is arms around me
"You know me?"
"Wanna know something I can do" I climbed on top of him
"Ohh I wanna know a lot" He flipped us over.

I love my boyfriend guys it's crazy.

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