Juju Murray

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~Juju POV~
Today I was planing on having the guys come over to chill. Y/N don't want me to invite them tho because she doesn't want all my attention to be away from her but she's going to have to suck it up cause I've been with her all week and I need some space.

~Later that day~
"Babe why today? All I wanted to do was cuddle" she whined following me to the living room with my PlayStation
"I was literally cuddling you all week, I want to spend some time with my friends for awhile then I'm yours" I told her plugging it in to the tv
"No buts Y/N they already on the way go in the room" I told her

Fucked up is what I am right now
"Alright bet act like that. Be with your friends" I said going in the kitchen to get me a snack.
"You acting like I can't just chill for a minute" he said
I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. I grabbed all the things I need and headed upstairs getting comfortable. I turned on the tv going to Disney plus. After some time I grabbed my phone and open tiktok.

I realize I didn't get me nothing to drink so I got up and went back downstairs to get me a water
"Aye baby" JuJu said looking at me for a second then back to the tv
I nodded my head and kept it pushing to the kitchen. After I got my water I was going back upstairs.

~Juju POV~
"What's wrong with Y/N?" Josh asked
"She's mad that I'm on the game with y'all after I spent the whole week with her ass" I said shaking my head
"Bro I swear girls always do that" Omar said shaking his head with everyone agreeing
"Man I told my girl I was just going to chill with y'all for the day. It was a whole shit fest" Caleb said making the boys laugh
"Mann" Juju said catching his breath
"Imma be back though" he said getting up to go and check on his girlfriend

When he got in the room he saw her scrolling through her phone while the tv was playing.
"How you watching tv but on your phone?" He asked sitting next to her
She looked at him but didn't say anything to him
"You mad at me?" He asked
"Nope" she said popping the p
"Then why you not talking to me?" He asked
"Because I don't have anything to say to you. Why you up here anyway your company downstairs" she said turning away from him
"Because I was coming to check on you" he said laying on her
"I'm fine" she said
"You sure you not mad at me?" He asked
"Yeah" she said
"Okay?" He said and got up walking to the door looking back at the girl who is still scrolling on her phone.

"She mad huh?" Omar asked
"Hell yeah. She said she not but her actions are way louder than that" Juju said sitting back in his spot.
"Why do girls do that anyway?" Sharife asked
"I don't know" Josh said

~Later that night Y/N POV~

I sneaked out the house while the boys was playing basket ball to go and party with my girl Mimi, Jayda, Ari and India.

"Damn finally Y/N is out the damn house" Jayda said hugging her
"Girl Juju don't be playing bout this shit" she said after hugging all the girl they took a shot to get them lose

The girls started to record each other for their story Y/N not knowing what type of trouble she's going to get into

~Juju POV~
We just got done playing a game when josh pulled me to the side.
"Where is Y/N?" He asked
"Upstairs why?" I asked him
"She's not bro look" he said showing him the story of the girls

Juju felt himself getting hot. He couldn't believe this girl right now.

"Aye y'all i gotta dip" he said to let the boys it's time to go,

He was so mad right now. He knew y/n was showing out on purpose so he was going to show her ass something.

Juju got in his car and pulled up y/n location and started making his way to her. The whole car ride juju was thinking of what h was going to do to her when he got to her. He body was hot. Gripping the stirring wheel tight as he thought about the whole situation over again.

When he got to the club he parked and walk to the door. He got in pretty easy with the guards knowing who he is. Once he got in he started looking for his girlfriend. It dint take long but once he found he he couldn't believe hi eyes. The dress that she was wearing was hugging her body really good and he didn't like that. He marched over to her an gripped her arm.

"Hey baby" Y/N laughed as she saw his face
"It's funny?" He asked her
"I wasn't about to be upstairs all day while you have fun with your friends" she said
"So why you sneak out?" He asked her.

When she couldn't give him an answer he smirked
"Time to go" Juju told her
"Juju imm grown bro i should be able to go out with my friends" y/n yelled over the music as juju pulled her out the club
"You grown alright. Wait till we get home" juju said looking at her as they got out the building
"Not shit" y/n rolled her eyes

When they got in the car y/n sat in the back and juju stared laughing
"Bro you real childish right now"he said straying the car
"Let me be that" she said pulling out her phone
"Wait till we get home y/n keep that attitude" he said trying hurry and get home.

When they got hoe y/n took her time getting out the car making juju mad
"Bro hurry up and get out" he said
"Don't rush me, i gotta fine my ear ring that feel out" she said

Y/n didn't lose her ear ring she was just trying to piss juju off even more then what he is and it was working.

"You just want to get fucked up y/n huh?" Juju said laughing as the girl walked past him
"Yeah what ever" y/n rolled her eyes as she walked to the kitchen

Juju decided that he had enough of her attitude so he went after her. When he got to the kitchen he just stood there looking at her
"What?" She said as she open some grapes
"Why you acting out?" Juju asked
"That's you"she said rolling her eyes
"How so? You caught an attitude when i said i was hunting out with the boys today as if I said that i wanted to break up with yo spoiled as. You need to star learning how to take no for an answer" juju said shaking his head
"First off love I know how to take no (sometimes) and two i caught an attitude because of the way you was talking to me. When the fuck you stated talking to m like that?" Y/N asked him

Juju sigh remembering that she is sensitive about the way people talk to her

"Mommas I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to come off rude i just wanted to hung out with the boys for the day. But that still don't give you a reason to act the way you did" juju said as he slowly walked closer to her

"Go upstairs and strip" was all he said in her ear before she ran upstairs

I'm not even gonna lie I've been up of it, its senior year so i might not be as active anymore.

Book 2!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant