part 4

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Zakiya P.O.V

Things weren't difficult that first I was falling more in love with Saleem each and every single day of my life just because of how happy and special he makes me feel we do have our own misunderstanding and fight like every other friends do our first fight was a bit funny I remember I was talking with Steve and he was seating close to me while I was on video call with saleem I was talking to him but he was ignoring me and I felt bad so I disconnected the call he called I didn't pick at long last he called me on phone and I was silent he was like why are you not saying anything I hope you know am not a robot I wanted to laugh but he has to explain why he was ignoring me and not giving me his full attention while we were on video call you won't believe this guy that he was jealous steve was seating very close to me and it offended him 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I didn't know what to say instead I just laughed but he was really serious so I called him back on video call and asked him why he was jealous he couldn't say anything instead he was giving me his cute face expression that am still yet to know them very well I apologized even though I didn't know why I had to but seeing him sad breaks my heart I knew he was pretending to feel good so I changed my seating position and sat close to his sister they greeted and he was off to his work he told me about handling a particular home interiors stuff for his clients he even asked for my own opinion which I gave him after seeing all the items he bought and the choices the clients made  he really was a blessing send from above even though we still haven't said anything about our feelings but we still understand how we both felt towards each other.

After our first year we couldn't go back home because halima's dad didn't approve of us coming back home he said till we finished our second year but he will make sure that someone from home comes to visit us I thought it will be my mumy or even halima's umma but he insisted saleem came together with Khalifa and nadiya it was really the best moments for me I got to spend so much time with him and his siblings we hangout almost each and every day expect during weekends we stay inside the house play games and eat lots of foods Nigeria food we snap lots of pictures as a memory and saleem hmm he keeps taking my pictures and short videos secretly I couldn't blame him I also did the same thing I got to know when I borrowed his phone to snap on snapchat so I look into his snap memories and so many of my pictures and videos were there I just looked at him and smile he did the Same in return also they spent 3weeks together with us and I was making each and every moment memorable and special but he beats me to it. It was June my birthday month and I will be turning 21year a week before he was going back home he made a surprise birthday party for me and it was so beautiful and so extraordinary I loved it our friends came over we had so much fun all together and he said something about taking me out for dinner in the evening I didn't object so after all the partying we clean and arranged the house the two naughty kids slept off already it was just me and halima she knew I was going out with Saleem and like the FBI agent she was she kept asking some strange questions I had to ran into my room long last it was 7 clock already I took my shower and prayed magrib and I did my casual makeup and was dressed in my Arabian outfit abaya golden with black I wrap the veil like hijab and spray some perfume and was waiting for him to call.

Halima P.O.V

I was really excited about zakiya and yaya's relationship it was like a tv romance movie having a secret feeling hidden in your heart and not being able to Express or say it to that special someone it must be really hard each time I asked them both they're will be like they're just friends but deep down I knew it was more than FRIENDSHIP so when yaya came to visit us London since we couldn't go back for the semester holiday I told him to give it a chance and tell how about his feelings before it will be too late but instead he kept saying he doesn't want to date her well yaya can be really stubborn sometimes so I came up with a plan and told him about her birthday coming up and since we will be done with school in the next 1 and half year why can't he just purpose marriage to her and even she agreed then he can talk to baba get things finalised and wait till we're done then they can get married after so much deliberation he agreed and I helped him in making the dinner date arrangements I also wanted to talk to zakiya so I tried asking her about how she feels towards him and even her view about marrying him and her answer so positive as we both wanted it to be having her as my in_law will make me feel so lucky because she's so sweet and different from other ladies I met around trying to have a relationship with yaya she was herself around him and she makes him feel happy and special but also I realized yaya was more in love with her he doesn't miss a single chance to talk about her to anyone so I said why not take the responsibility and make this relationship work between them since he doesn't want to date her then why not purpose guess there's nothing wrong in it.

Saleem P.O.V

When baba told me about halima not coming back for her school break I felt bad because I wasn't going to see my beautiful angel but instead he said umma and the kids will visit that I can tag along if am less busy at work well I won't say that am busy so I use the opportunity and told him that I will be free for 3weeks or so peak of being the boss so he suggests that I book the tickets since we all have our Visa and it's yet to expired I was so excited I wanted it to be a surprise to her so I didn't tell her I was coming instead I kept acting like not going to see her will break my heart baba told umma but instead she made an excuse of not being able to come along with us I didn't ask why but definitely I knew it was because of me why she's behaving that way it's still a mystery to me but one day I will get to know why I didn't let it bother me since the Khalifa and nadiya will be coming along I packed all thing required for the travel and made sure the kids both have everything ready also in a week time we were leaving and I was so excited I didn't even contact her throughout that day I know she must already be fuming with anger but halima knew that we would be coming but I made sure she doesn't ruin my surprise after we landed I took a taxi to their apartment and knock the doorbell and she was the one to open up she was stunned so she close the door and reopened it once again I just laughed at her reaction instead so we greeted each other and she was just smiling at me while I was staring at her so to not make the moment awkward so I broke the silence beautiful angel won't you let us again or we are not welcome ohhh sorry I was lost in thought we pass through the door and I left the kids there and went back to the hotel i will be staying it will look inappropriate to stay with them so i booked a hotel for weeks am staying since before coming.

Being with her spending time with her was magical and was indescribable but the fact that am crazy about her nonstop is what drive me insane i don't know how where to start from or even how to begin so i took advice from lil sister after spending 2weeks with them a week before leaving I was told it will be her birthday so I talked to halima and she advised me on what to do even though I didn't find it ok but still they was no harm in trying so we made the dinner arrangements for both of us and the day came faster than I even thought I came to pick her and masha Allah she was looking gorgeous stunning beautiful I was mesmerized by her she looked like an Arabian woman dressed in her Abaya it fitted her so beautifully that I was stunned and stared at her without saying a words till I was interrupted by my troublemaker lil sister ahhh yaya close your mouth before fly come enter it and you guys better get going before it's late she winked with a smile I just shake my head and offer the stunning lady a ride to the place we were going it was a lovely place full of candlelight and flowers I just hope she agreed and accepted my proposal I won't be able to digest her rejection after waiting this long to confess how I have been feeling all this years about her I just hope she also feels the same way about me

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