Part 28

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Shamsiya P. O. V

It has become so unbearable for me in controlling my feelings towards Saleem this afternoon after visiting Aunty Halima I borrowed her phone just to see his picture on the other hand my I thought of searching for his number then I started thinking won't it be foolish of me to just pick his number and call him for what more over his wife is pregnant I wouldn't want to be the cause of her de-stress but am falling so hard for Saleem am not able to control myself anymore I have tried but all in vain I have been praying about it also and I believe sooner or later I will find some ease in my heart maybe it's not what am thinking it is but I can't deny how am feeling abun yafi qarfin zuciyana it feels like kamar Dafin so I can't sleep I can't eat ya Allah grant me ease comfort my heart to know what's right or wrong.

Abdullahi P. O. V

It's been 4month now that I have talked Nabila's father he gave his blessing and told me to come only when am sure am prepared this morning I was leaving for work when mama called that she wants to see me I rush inside the main house praying everything is fine with her and thankfully she was in good health all she wanted to know is how am going about the preparation for the introduction, wedding planning and everything at first I was silent because I thought before mama will bring this topic it should be next year or end of this year but unfortunately mama made it clear to me that I should talk to Nabila and let her know am prepared because she will speak to my uncle about our relationship so they can go and seek for her hand in marriage for me before its too late mama said karfe tun da zafin shi ake bugun shi and I agree with her with that I left for work and promised to call Nabila or visit her immediately after my work in the office is done Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah I know she will be very happy to hear this.

Bashar P. O. V

It's been so less stressful traveling from here to there since now am close to home Halima has been less moody all I can say is Alhamdulillah the past few months before her delivery has been hell for both of us she easily gets irritated or annoyed over everything I will do or say to her ever since she said that I should quit my job since it doesn't let me stay in one place I have been struggling with my pregnancy but you were nowhere to be found it feels like you don't even care about me or my feelings and those words hit very hard and close to my heart I had to pressure my boss to please let me transfer back home so I can take care of my wife and baby since then she has been feeling happy and overjoyed our baby has made everything between us normal it feels like when we were dating everything was so lovey dovey all I can say is Alhamdulillah it's all by the grace of Allah that it's happening if not my marriage would have tangling by now women and their wahala kenen though I don't blame her every wife deserves her man attention in whatever situation it might be.

Yusuf P. O. V

After all I saw my own mother doing to my father trying to poison him it makes me feel so irresponsible I curse myself why will I allow my own selfishness and my mother greedy to kill my father noo honestly I can't let that happen no matter what he is still my father and he deserves all the love and respect as my mother do since I realize how foolish I was I went to my father and asked for his forgiveness which he did out of joyed he shed tears of joy seeing me Yusuf trying to mend my ways I couldn't tell him about what mama has been up to but I made sure that I crossed check everything that comes out of the kitchen for him mama has been noticing me eating his food before I let the maid take it to his side sometimes I will take the food to him myself since then she has been be careful about what she will add or mix inside I won't let anything happen to him in shaa Allah mama might have made me believe otherwise but seeing how pathetic she has become over greed I can no longer support her she has it bad for his property like everything will belong to someone else if not me his son I know I might not be the one son he has but Saleem his more responsible than I am and Alhamdulillah he has his own business that he has built over the years he won't just appear out of nowhere and claim Everything to be his and baba has been yearning to see me change just so I could care for him and look over everything he has built so far for the sake of him and my peace I just had to move ahead and start from somewhere just so I can be better than I am today nobody knows what the future hold or comes with it ya Allah continues to guide me through and put me unto the right path of my life

Hajia hafsa

This morning zakiya send to me that she was craving Mango salad and it's been a long time since I made some I don't even remember how to make it again but I can't say so to her if not she will be acting all moody today pregnant women and their craving Ya Allah I had to call Halima to help out I diced the Mango added sugar and little lettuce advocado purple cabbage, tomato and small amounts of salad cream some spice to ganish it hopefully she won't complain of anything. It smells great hopefully she will like taste

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