Chapter 7

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Hey, remember that author that never updates? I finally did update this thing!


"What happened?" Mitch asked, suddenly alarmed.

Scott was staring outside at the courtyard.

"A tree fell," he said. "It looks as though the lightning knocked it down." He turned, facing Mitch. "I see people out there. I am not sure who. But the tree fell over the only working entrance. The only other one is undergoing construction."

Mitch tensed. "It could be my father and his friends. They like to be in the buildings in the center of the courtyard, where they can play their games, and be as loud as they want without bothering anyone in the palace."

"Kirstin might be trapped there," Scott said.

Mitch sighed. "Well, I can send a servant to see if that is the case," he said.

"Shall I fetch one for you?" Scott asked.

"Please," Mitch replied.

Scott went to retrieve a servant, and was pleasantly surprised to find his friend.

"Kevin!" he said. "I have not seen you in weeks."

"Hi," Kevin said. "Why are you here?"

"The prince needs a servant," Scott said. "So I came to get one. Can you come? You are young and fast, which is what he needs in the instant."

Kevin frowned. "Why not you?"

Scott paused. "They really need to announce it," he muttered, then looked at Kevin. "I have become the prince's personal caretaker. I do what he needs, but I should stay with him during the storm. It makes him nervous."

Kevin nodded. "Tell me all about this new position!" he said.

Scott smiled. "Sure."


On the way to Mitch's room, Scott explained about his new position to Kevin.

"You got pretty lucky," Kevin observed.

"It is very stressful," Scott told him.

They went into Mitch's room, and Scott sat on the bed.

Mitch looked up at Kevin.

"I need you to see who is in the courtyard," Mitch said. "Then, report back to me."

"Yes, sir," Kevin said, turning to leave.

Mitch faced Scott. "This makes me anxious." 

"I agree," Scott told him. "But relax. We cannot change anything that has already happened, only do whatever we can to help the situation. And we can start that by knowing who is there still."

Mitch nodded. "I suppose."

Scott smiled at him. "Can I get you anything?"

Mitch placed his head in Scott's lap. "No. You can stay here, and cuddle with me."

Scott tensed. "Cuddle?" he repeated. "No. We cannot cuddle."

"Of course we can," Mitch said.

Scott hesitated. He wasn't completely sure, but one time couldn't possibly hurt, could it?

He decided to lie down, holding Mitch.

Mitch giggled, pressing against him excitedly. "Your body is warm. Mine is cold."

"It is," Scott agreed, feeling Mitch's cold skin against his uncovered arms.

Mitch looked up at him. "I might be in love with you," he said.

"We are not supposed to feel that way," Scott told him.

Mitch curled up. "But I cannot help it. I love you."

Scott sighed. He had been trying to hold his feelings back, but it was getting hard. "Well, I guess I love you, too."

The door opened.

"Is there something you should be telling people?"


Ooh, drama! Who do you think it was that spoke at the end?

Also, I know I haven't updated a story in a while, but I'm currently working on several unpublished stories right now. I hadn't really wanted to update the published ones, and I ended up forgetting about them.

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