7. Worst of the Worst

Start from the beginning

Shigaraki ignored him and focused on selectively decaying the metal lockers, but the rifles inside were too encased. He couldn't accurately target only the lockers without nicking a few pieces of the rifles inside.

He decided to pass the baton, "Kumagawa, get every gun in this room out of their cases."

The Lancer-class Servant shrugged with an exasperated sigh, 「Honestly Master, you've got to level up your skills more if you really want that final boss position, 」 He snapped back to his same dopey grin. The Master felt his neck itch.

「The boxes, cases and lockers in this room are All Fiction

And so it was. Only the metal containers which housed the firearms vanished as if they never existed. Gone in an instant.  Rifles, submachine guns and handguns all clattered to the floor, which promptly gave off a purple smoke until it opened up into a Kurogiri portal. The guns fell through into one of All For One's secure warehouses.

Honestly, they didn't have to do all this tedium. Smuggling ghost guns from other countries or just stealing a 3D printer would be easier, but his teacher and boss, All For One, was all too ecstatic at Kumagawa's insistence of training him into a "Final Boss" character.

Gunshots, bang-bang-bang, hit the wall of the building. The sound of whirring wheels and the stomping feet of the JSDF's self-defense robots was close enough to feel it vibrating through the floor. Shigaraki grabbed his Servant by the scruff of his neck- 「Ah! 」 -and jumped into the portal.

Shouting and blaring alarms grew silent as the portal closed above. The warehouse was bustling with a handful of mooks dedicated to serving All For One, they were scrambling to sort through the guns by category and size. The leader of the mundane lackeys stood frozen at her station, staring at Shigaraki until she remembered her instructions.

She ran over to him with bottles of water, "B-Boss! Thanks for the hard work. The master said to give you a drink after."

Irked, he eyed the water she was holding out for him, "Hah? Was Coke or Pepsi too hard to get?"

Kumagawa made a show of sighing and shrugging with his hands up, 「Tomura-kun, overlords should still be relatable for their minions, you know? Every guy would kill for a gift from such a cute underling. 」

What? Why the hell should he bother with problems so mundane? Shigaraki could only glare at his unofficial mentor before turning back to the lackey, "Get back to work," He took the bottle.

"Yes sir!" She jogged back to her post overseeing the workers.

"...I should have you call me sir," Shigaraki side-eyed his Servant.

Kumagawa immediately burst into tears, 「What are you saying, Tomura-kun!? I thought we were best friends already!?」He leapt into his Master's arms in a terrible attempt at fake-swooning and was promptly shoved to the floor.

「How mean! Good job! 」He simply lay there as Shigaraki walked away.

Kurogiri had retreated to a corner of the warehouse. He fetched the only tablet in the world that connected to All for One, it weighed in his hands with a familiar trepidation. It wasn't anything new to him, managing his own window to the devil, but recently he had gotten more active, erratic, secretive. First, it was the appearance of this 'Kumagawa' personality, an arrival that was immediately accepted by the Boss, obviously expecting him. Then, it was the shipment of Nomus.

His walk to find Shigaraki went off-beat as he slipped on nothing, remembering the shipment. Even in his twisted psyche and stunted emotions, he felt the weight of an uncertain future in those hundreds of mass-produced Nomus that were now housed in their basement. A future he was tasked with managing finances for, since the young Master certainly wasn't doing any numberwork.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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