2. Dynamic Vampire Duo

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Himiko Toga was acutely aware of the vile scene she caused in this abandoned warehouse, the blood of an old acquaintance activating a sort of euphoria or bliss within her. Nothing else in the world mattered in this moment, her victim, a senior from her old high school, was about to be fully revealed to Toga. When she drinks his blood and transforms into him, no one else in the world will know him like she would, could love him like she could in this brief moment.

"Hey Toga-chan, you're taking too long." A childish voice called out to her, but failing to snap her out of her ecstatic stupor. Her voice echoed throughout the building.

"Don't use my last name as a nickname, Flan-chan. That feels weird." She complied with Flandre's demands, filling up a small bottle with his blood for later use, yet still admiring the corpse she created. The corpse of a successful student, a bloodied caricature of tragedy, all done in the name of love. Love, that no one else can-

"Himi-tan," Flandre decided on her nickname, "Hurry up, that toy's broken anyways, you can't play with him anymore. Do you even know how to contact the League of Villains yet?"

Toga smiling, pulled out her phone, "'Course I do, a guy called Giran said to call to join." 

"Then why haven't you called him already, Himi-tan?" Flandre sounded annoyed, tired of watching Toga play whatever game she was playing with that corpse by herself.

"I have to prepare some tricks to show during the interview," She patted a small pouch next to her. It was filled with blood vials. Different victims to use for her quirk.

"What's an interview?"

"We have to convince him to let us in." Toga stood up carefully so as to not splatter any blood on her uniform. 

Flandre wasn't worried about being messy though, the bloodstains were faded into her scarlet dress, only noticeable underneath the multi-colored lights of the gems on her wings. And as for the small splodges that made their way to her white ribbons and puffy sleeves, well, her appearance was already otherworldly anyways, even back home. She crouched in front of the corpse, trying to remember something long ago. A technique she was forbidden to use under any circumstance.

"I've got a little trick to dazzle him with too, then." Flandre opened her mouth to reveal her wicked fangs, poised to dig in.

"Huh?" Toga guessed correctly on what was about to happen, "Wait a minute, stop that! What if he gets angry when he sees me!?"

Flandre did not stop, she bit into the dead boy's neck and drained his blood. Filling herself with a rejuvenating power whilst bringing out his own accursed power. The corpse drained like a plastic bottle sucked too hard, skin and flesh shrinking to outline the figure of the husk's bones. He was being turned into one of the most well-known species of devil: a newborn Vampire. A scarlet red light burst from the spot where she bit, lingering as the glow instead delved inwards, spreading into his veins and tracing the pathways of blood with the flow of unholy magic.

She stood and marched proudly away from the corpse, "Big Sis never let me do that before!"

Toga immediately grabbed her by the shoulders, hiding behind her as a meat shield, "If he attacks, it's your fault."

The corpse shivered. Spasms of rigor mortis shaking him into life with the glow in his body dissipating. A couple seconds passed before his fingers twitched. His eyes snapped open.

"He's not as strong as you is he?" Toga asked, her hold on Flandre unconsciously turning into a hug as she grew more astonished by the process of undeath.

"No, he's not pure-blooded like me. Sis says we're Dracula's kids, so we're the strongest around."

"A-aaaugh," the boy slurred, "Wh-what d-did you do to mmm-e?" He sat up slowly, bones cracking audibly, a deep rumbling erupting from his stomach in its revival. His body and school uniform still drenched in blood, 

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