6. The New Transfer Student

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Izuku Midoriya woke up with a chip on his shoulder. It'd only been a day after he was released from the hospital, and he remembered being just fine the night before, yet this morning saw fit to put a particular drag to his body. His shoulders didn't ache, per say, but they were never so constantly heavy.

He moved back into his home after a quick goodbye to Gran Torino, and was now walking to U.A. High School, excited to hear about how his classmates' internships worked out. 

Being one of the early students to show up, Deku sat at his desk quietly. Mostly waiting to talk with Iida and Todoroki more about their fight with Stain.

|==================| Momo Yaoyorozu |==================|

Momo opened the door of Class 1-A, ever the early riser, she would expect only the likes of Iida, Midoriya, and Todoroki to be the first ones to show up with her.

Speaking of, wasn't there something important about those three?


Hero Killer Stain! Yes, that's right. How could she forget such a catastrophe befalling her friends and classmates? It must've been the new Formalcraft training she was receiving, she was pumping out materials all night and then using it all up for mere practice on magic circles.

Practice! Until midnight! Sure, she was no stranger to all-nighters for study, but never had she exercised into the night, and using her quirk was a very fast fat-burner. Momo began to wonder if Servants could be more accurately called Masters in the relationship if they really have that much to teach to her fellow mundane people.

Her own Servant wouldn't like that though, always going on about the Mahatma, an Indian term for Masters. Always vague about what they were too, would it kill her to-

"Master. I sensed a crystal break." Helena informed her telepathically.

Mana Sensory Crystals. A very basic application of Formalcraft which Momo had already worked on and kept a handful in her pockets. They break in response to Mana being actively used in close vicinity. She was just about to sit down when Helena interrupted her thoughts.

Momo thought back to her, "What does that mean? I thought there were no other mages."

"There aren't, so it must be another Servant, yet I can't find a trace of where it is."

"Huh? You can trace it from home? Did you place more sensors on me or something?"

"Or something. Anyway, just act natural, Master. If the servant has the same assumptions about magic in this world, then there's no reason for them to lash out."

Momo's brows furrowed, "It could be a villain hiding in U.A.!"

"Combatants will only be looking for more information at this stage of the War, Master. I'm sure they'll do nothing. It would be more prudent for us seek them whilst acting natural, no? Just sit tight, okay? I can teleport to you anytime, remember?"

Momo considered her options. Leaving the unknown Servant be inside the school was not what a hero should do, too many students for potential victims or hostages. She should scout them out immediately and inform the staff to evacuate everyone. A combatant of the Holy Grail War was too near to her. To her friends. She had to hurry. Yet, rushing things like that... was not an option.

Helena needed to prepare first as a Caster-class Servant if she wanted to stand toe-to-toe with the other Servants, as she was told last night. Risking being caught by the sort of Servant that could already evade detection now was a losing gambit. Her Servant was right. She fiddled with the white gloves hiding her Command Seals.

Fate/Academia: Wish upon a HeroUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum