"Before you go can you watch over Thea? It would give me some peace of mind to know that you are looking out for her. I haven't heard from her a lot these past few weeks and I just want to know she is safe." I said trying to hold back my tears.

            "Ashley watches over a lot and so does her wife. Allison really loves the St. Michael's pendant you gave her. It makes her happy that she isn't alone anymore. You'll be hearing from Thea soon though, don't worry. The next time I pop into one of your shows I want to hear you playing that song to the crowd." Asher said and gave me a smile.

            "Thank you Asher." I said as a wiped a tear away from my eye.

            When I looked up from the table Asher was gone and Nikki walked back into the lounge. She handed me a bottle of water and stay down next to me on the couch. Nikki put her snack on the table and rested her head on my shoulder.

            "Can I hear it?" She asked and nodded towards my laptop. I nodded and pulled my head phones from the jack and hit play. The sound of Asher's voice filled the lounge as the file played again.

            It wasn't long before Alyssa, Britt and Diego all came to join us in the lounge and I had a hard time keeping it together. I told them about the song and what it means to me. Just as the first few tears started to fall my cell phone rang and it was Thea wanting to facetime. When my friends saw who it was they left me alone to answer the call.

            "Hey baby." I said and started crying when I saw her face.

            "Am I that ugly that the sight of me reduces you to tears?" Thea joked. She was at home sitting on her lazy boy.

            "No I just found an old song that Asher sang on and it kind of threw me for a loop." I said and wiped away my tears.

            "Something tells me that you forgot about that song." Thea said.

            "Yea but I don't really want to talk about it right now, how are you doing?" I asked wanting a subject change.

            "Long days then longer nights and everything starts to blend together after a while. I don't even know what day it is just that I have to be at headquarters in two hours and I'm not looking forward to it even though tonight I'm at headquarters reviewing paperwork. How is tour going? I've seen some videos and you're amazing out there." Thea raved.

            "Hopefully it will calm down soon and thank you! I'm excited to see you. Only 31 one more days but who's counting?" I said after looking at the countdown I have on my laptop.

            "If I was able to swing together some days off right now I would totally come out and meet you wherever you are because of how much I miss you." Thea said and sighed.

            "Same here, if I had more days off in a row I would totally hop a flight to Boston right now to see you even if it's just for a few hours." I said and look out the window.

            "Soon babe soon." Thea said and flashed me a smile.

            We talked for an hour and caught up more about how we are doing. When she had to get ready for work there were a few tears shed on both sides. I still haven't told her I love her yet because I want the first time for us to do that to be in person.

            A few minutes after I hung up with Thea I pulled up the song file. It took me a few minutes to polish the lyrics as the song came back to me a little bit more when I sang it. As I was finishing up recording Nikki came back into the lounge. I played her the finished vocal cut and she liked it. Alyssa, Britt and Diego all came back in and listened to the song. They all had thoughts about how to arrange the music in the background and once we got to Ohio Alyssa got us set up in a studio so I could finish it. I titled the song My Heart and Asher is getting a writing credit on the song.

             Our night at Alyssa parent's house was nice. We had a home cooked meal for the first time since tour started and I adored Alyssa's parents. I could see where she gets her personality from, she's a perfect blend of her parents. Being around her mom made me miss mine and I took a break from everything and went out into their backyard and found Nikki already outside. It didn't take long to realize why she was outside too and I just pulled her into a hug.

            The rest of the night was quick and we went to the hotel for the night. Alyssa picked us up the next morning and brought us to the studio. It didn't take long for us to finish the song and I released it with a picture of Asher and I as the cover art.

            Out of all the songs I released so far, My Heart broke the top ten on the charts within an hour of its release.

The song on the side is called My Heart by Paramore.
I cried writing this chapter.

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