~Chapter Six~

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I'm super excited about the new season, so I HAD to add it! >:3

Rayem and Edna fight scene courtesy to Edna! (EdnaSky)


Edna had never seen this place before. A tropical island, in the middle of Daylight Prairie?

Unheard of before now.

She glided around the island, spotting mantas dancing through the waves below. Supported on the updrafts of wind, the group made quick progress to the main island. The flying in the islands was amazing. You seemed to be able to fly infinitely on the wind, and the geysers of water charged you as they flung you into the sky. Sunny drifted next to her.

"Watch this!" She said.

Taking out her staff, she tilted it behind her and rocketed forward, using the fireworks to go faster. Edna grinned and flapped her wings to catch up to her friend. She found it much quicker than it had been when she had first met Sunny and Zaira. She hated how long it took her to catch up, not because she was slow, but of how short her cape had to be to accommodate her small stature.

She remembered one of the first conversations she had ever had with Rayem had started with 'So... you're pretty short.'

She had not been happy being compared to the twins that day.

And now they were getting taller too.

Edna always felt like she was being left behind, scrambling to keep up.

"So remind me why we had to fly around the island?"

"To get used to the flying conditions. They're way different than Daylight Prairie!"

Edna grumbled. Not that she liked flying in the Sanctuary Islands, but the Valley Elders seemed to enjoy pushing the Sky Children too their limits. The only one not affected was Avala, who had arrived by boat, because she could not fly. Or so they had seen so far. Edna glanced over at the Wanderer, who was sitting on the beach running her hands through the sand. With a wave of her arm, it rose up and settled down in the shape of a sand temple. (A/N: Get it? Sand temple? :D)

Avala spotted Edna and waved her over. Sitting down next to the cloaked wanderer, Edna felt the sand underneath her shift into the form of a chair.

"How are you not hot in that?" Edna asked, motioning to the heavy wooden mask, and hooded cloak Avala was wearing.

Avala shrugged, "I am, but I need permission to take it off. It's part of my culture. You're not supposed to show your face."

"You can take it off!" Edna said quickly.

Avala removed her mask, setting it on the sand. She pulled her hood off, neatly wrapping the mask in it and tucking the bundle into a hidden pocket in her cloak. She had short maroon hair, sticking in all directions from being in the hood, and nut brown skin. A spray of freckles went across her nose and under her light yellow eyes.

"Why aren't you going to take off your cloak?" Edna asked her. Avala stood up and brushed the sand off herself.

"I can fly with it! Well, more of jump really high, but still."

Edna shook her head. Imagine how many more abilities the Wanderer had!

The nine Elders stood on a grassy hill up on the island, listening to the Current Wasteland Elder give directions on the training activity. The group had only been on the island for three hours and had gotten extensive training sessions from each elder, and had gotten no time to explore the island. Looking around, Edna saw a group of baby mantas flying around a spirit with a manta cape and a hand pan. A geyser spouted in the distance, and a jellyfish floated by it.

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