~Chapter Four~

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Everyone whipped around to face the spirit.

Right up front, Zaira asked the spirit what the cloaked figures were. The spirit, surprisingly not extra mysterious, like most of the spirits were, started talking.

"The Sky Kingdom isn't the only kingdom out there, there's three others." She motioned them over to a thin stone statue with a gem in the center. Tapping the gem, a holograph shimmered above the statue. Crowding around it, Zaira saw a intricate drawing of four lands. One she recognized as the Sky Kingdom, with it's ornate temples and floating islands.

Another, she saw was coated in small flowers, with lots of grass, and strange white pinwheels. The next was entirely water, filled with glittering and glowing white monsters.The last, and by far the most mysterious, was all sand. Cloaked figures ran up and down the dunes, long scarves flying behind them. Under each map was a name.
The flowered area's read Earth: Flower. Then there was; Water: Flow.

And Sand: Journey.

Zaira saw Eclipse look at the Sand Kingdom and suck in a breath.

"What?" Zaira whispered to her.

"Those figures... that's what I saw when my light was out!" She whispered back excitedly.

The spirit, figuring they were done looking, zoomed in on the map, "Each kingdom has three artifacts from the others, finding one of these will transport you there, unless you have the ability to create a portal."

She moved the hologram over to the Sky Kingdom, zooming in on a section of wall in the Vault, "Our only clue is here, the Secret Garden." She gestured at the mini gate, closing off a rift in the flawless stone of the garden, "We believe the objects are behind there."

Zooming back out, Zaira realized how much less detailed the other kingdoms were, consisting of mostly repeating images to simulate what was not known. Zaira considered that acceptable, since no one had ever been there, and it was all hypothesizes.

"What does this have to do with anything?" Rayem asked. The spirit turned around.

"I have reason to believe that species from the other kingdoms are joining the Shadow Rebellion."



"Yeah Ethis, SHHHH."

Ethis had 'disrupted' the quiet of the Blue Spirit's home, and they had been unceremoniously booted out the door. But more importantly, why were species from the other kingdoms joining the Shadow Rebellion? And even more mysterious was the parting words of the spirit.

"If you ever hear of a sky child named Tam, run."

Zaira assumed he was the one behind the Shadow Rebellion, but why should they run?

"We need to find those other worlds, fast, before the Shadow Rebellion recruits more members."

Zaira and the others had traveled to the secret garden using the Home Space. Now all eight were standing in front of the shimmering barrier.

"Maybe we should just go through it?" Rayem wondered.

"I think I have a better idea," Edna said. Pressing her palms to the barrier, she started threading light magic into it. White hot veins laced the shimmering surface, and before anyone could react, it exploded, sending everyone crashing into walls.

Rayem was the first to stand up.

"Well, there's one problem solved..."

Kind of short, but I've had a serious case of Writer's Block, and can't seem to do anything productive...

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