8: Range Rover

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Dia was beginning to show.

Although terrified, Shownu loved her current body just as much as how she was before. In fact, this one was interesting.

Sex had to be done in different positions now, according to the doctor. Dia couldn't spend long amounts of time on her back due to pressure on her arteries or something like that - he wasn't really paying attention. The doctor had mentioned that Dia-on-top or on all fours was the safest way to make love and his imagination had immediately taken over.

He also loved how heavy her breasts had become, and how she felt different inside once he had pushed in. She was still sexy, beautiful and perfect in every way, she was just different.

The only thing that he didn't like was the fact that he would have to feed from someone else.

At nine months, Dia was half way through the pregnancy. She was still in danger of the unborn young dying while inside and taking her with it, so he was nervous, but he had progressed enough that she wasn't allowed to be fed from or dematerialise. She had to drive everywhere.

But, he could still feed her, and that was something he thoroughly enjoyed.

Even if they weren't having sex while he fed her, it was his greatest pleasure to know that he was sustaining her, giving himself to keep her strong. Any worthy Male would gladly sacrifice himself for his mate - he would give up food even if he was starved, he would give up all of his blood, even if it meant death. He would protect her from an army of Hunters or other Vampires as long as she was happy, healthy and safe.

So, despite the fact that Dia was straddling Shownu's lap with her lips locked around the bite on his neck, he was okay with it. But he'd much rather be inside her while she fed. All he had to do was unzip his pants and push her underwear to the side because bless her, she was wearing a loose flowy skirt...

As he moved his hands from Dia's ass towards the front of his jeans, she pulled back with a satisfied sigh.

Shownu couldn't help the pride that ran through him at the fact she was pleased.

"I can make you make that sound louder," He smirked after she licked the bite to seal it. He ran his fingers through her long hair and pulled her face to his, "Or you can make me make it,"

Dia smiled softly, her body sluggish after feeding, "And how would I do that?"

He kissed her, tasting his blood on her lips and feeling another surge of pride, "Lift your hips my Queen and I'll show you,"


Shownu sheathed his dagger in the holster on his chest. It had been a good night and he was feeling thoroughly satisfied, as well as particularly masculine.

He had orgasmed twice with his mate (he had lost count of her climaxes after number four) and he had some good fights, killing three Hunters and badly injuring a forth.

The only disappointment was that the forth had gotten away.

He was a slippery fucker, with pale hair but eyes so dark that they were almost black. He had been watching Shownu and Wonho, his partner for the evening, for a while before jumping into the fight when his comrades had attacked.

But still, three and a half Hunters was a good result.

"I'm starving," Wonho huffed, also holstering his dagger, "And I lost my fucking gun,"

"That Hunter that got away probably has it," Shownu said, "We'll get it back,"

Wonho snorted, "We'd better. I like that gun. You going home?"

Shownu shook his head, "Nah, I'll come and eat with you guys. Dia is going for a meal with her friend," He held back a shudder, "She has to drive but I put her in the Range Rover,"

"Bullet proof windows," Wonho nodded, "I'd hate to send her out alone too,"

He didn't answer. Just the thought of his pregnant mate alone made him anxious, "I'm hungry too and I have some work to do," He replied, "Let's go back,"


AN: I know not much has happened yet but I promise it'll pick up soon!

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