1: Blessing

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The crowd parted for Shownu as he stalked through the masses of gyrating human bodies.

Men and women alike looked at him with lusty stares, but he had no interest in anybody but his mate - which was aways the subject of teasing of his comrades. None of them were mated and they enjoyed their single life, drinking and fucking their time away when they weren't out fighting for their lives and their race.

Shownu always wondered how the human women who slept with his brothers would react if they knew that they were spending time with a Vampire.

He spotted his best friend at a table situated by the emergency exit at the back of the club and headed straight to him.

The waitress already had a bottle of Stella in her hand for him as he passed and he accepted it with a brief nod.

As usual, Kihyun was already half-drunk and the scent of blood drifted from him which meant that he had already been out in the field tonight. He wasn't sure where the others were, but Jooheon's leather jacket was slung over the back of another chair, so he was probably in the back having a good time with a woman.

"Hey my Brother," The vampire nodded with a tight smile as Shownu slid into the seat opposite him, "You look tense,"

"And you smell of Hunter blood," Shownu replied, "You couldn't shower before coming here?"

Kihyun shrugged, smirking without flashing his fangs, "The human women can't smell it and I washed most of it off. What's left is just on my clothes," He sat forward, leaning into the table and ignoring Shownu's scrutinising look, "What's happened?"

Shownu sighed, running his hand over his short dark hair, "Dia is pregnant,"

Kihyun's eyes widened, "She's pregnant?! Congratulations my Brother, what a blessing!"

Downing half of his beer, Shownu tried but failed to smile. The happiness on his comrades face dulled a little.

"I know it must be terrifying for you, but our medicine has improved, a lot less females die on the birthing bed compared to before,"

"The odds are still not good," Shownu replied, "Forty percent chance of survival is not good enough,"

As a race, females had it difficult when it came to babies. Getting pregnant was extremely hard, as a female released one egg every ten years. On top of that, the pregnancy lasted almost eighteen months and the chance of living through labour were extremely low.

Most females bled out before, during or after the birth. Some females couldn't even survive the pregnancy. There were a lot of single father families in the vampire world.

There were even more orphans. If the father was a bonded male, connected to his female by a force so much stronger than love, then he would go insane or simply die from the loss of his female.

Shownu was of warrior class, a member of the honoured Brotherhood. Bred to be stronger, larger and more aggressive than the civilian class for the purpose of protecting the race from hunters, Brothers bonded fast and hard. A bonded warrior without his female was nothing but a shell.

Without his Dia, Shownu would die regardless of whether the young survived or not.

"Shownu," Kihyun's voice snapped him out of his tailspin, "Why don't you both come and live with us?"

Kihyun and the rest of the Brotherhood lived in a huge compound at the edge of the mountain. The size of a castle with more security than the American whitehouse, the compound was a good place for them to live, safe from the hunters.

But Dia refused. She didn't want to live with a bunch of aggressive males who constantly got into fights and drank excessively, especially now that she was pregnant. Besides, she enjoyed her own space and especially enjoyed having nobody but her and her mate in their home. Shownu liked that he could keep his mate to himself as well - which is how she ended up pregnant in the first place.

Of course, not a single hair on her head would be harmed by Shownu's brothers; they both loved and respected her, as well as wanted to keep all their arms and legs in place. You didn't mess with a bonded males female, no matter who he was.

Shownu shook his head, "She won't, you know what she's like. Besides, she just got her dream kitchen,"

Kihyun huffed a short laugh and Shownu couldn't help but smile with him.

His Dia was known as a beauty of the race, but she was as stubborn as an ox and could be downright terrifying if she wanted to be. Even more reason to love her.

"We're always available to help out if needed," Kihyun said, "You know that,"

Shownu nodded and lifted his nearly empty bottle, "Yeah. Thanks, Kihyun,"


AN: ok wow this isnt BTS its Monsta X woooowwwwwe sorry if you only read my BTS fics but this idea fit MX much better.

It will probably be slow updates but I hope you enjoy!

Will also probably have some adult content, just a heads up

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