5: Warm Water

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Ophelia awoke with a gasp that was supposed to be a scream. She looked frantically at her surroundings, her vision blurry and her heart pounding louder than a drum.

Where was he? Where was the human male that had-

As her vision cleared, she realised that she was no longer in the damp, dark alley. Memories of large, aggressive males of her species taking control of the situation flooded back to her. One of them dealt with the human while the other calmed her, speaking gently when she shied away from him in terror.

That was all she could remember.

The soft sound of a door opening cut into her thoughts and she looked up, only just realising that she was in what seemed to be a hospital room.

"I'm glad you're awake,"

A tall, handsome man in a white coat with sandy blonde hair and wearing a pair of glasses was stood in the door frame. She slowly sat up higher, her mouth going dry from fear.

The doctor made no move towards her, however, sensing her discomfort.

"My name is Namjoon," His smile was friendly with no hidden ulterior motives, "I'm a Doctor,"

"A doctor?" Ophelia's voice was soft but she realised suddenly that she felt strong. Stronger than she had ever felt before.

"First of all," The doctor said, his voice gentle but firm, "You are safe here. Nobody will hurt or touch you,"

"I can't afford hospital treatment," Ophelia said, lowering her gaze, "I-"

"This isn't a hospital," Namjoon smiled, "This is the medical facility belonging to the Brotherhood. The males here have honour; they would never hurt a female,"

Ophelia's eyes widened. The brotherhood? The race's most powerful vampires? Warriors that defended Vampires from Hunters?

They were legendary but nobody knew of their identities. There were rumours of course - when powerful males dripping with weapons and wealth appeared in public, it was fairly obvious who they were. It was just incredible disrespectful and rude to enquire of their identities.

"Second," The doctor continued, ignoring Ophelia's surprise, "I offer my deepest apologies. I had to examine you and administer medical treatment while you were unconscious. Two of the Brothers also fed you, but none but myself saw you unclothed,"

He bowed deeply at the waist, "I am sorry. I only attended to you out of medical necessity,"

Ophelia closed her eyes and took a deep breath before giving a small nod, "Thank you,"

Namjoon stood up and flashed her a relaxed smile before he grew serious, "You have countless bruises and some broken ribs and a fractured ankle. The ankle was a simple fracture so has already healed thanks to your feeding. However, your ribs will take longer as a lot of force was applied to them,"

A sad look appeared in his eyes, "You also lost some blood and I had to give you three stitches because of the violence..."

Ophelia squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block the memory that was barrelling to the front of her mind.

Before the Doctor could speak again, she brought up the topic she was dreading, "Thank you. How-" She swallowed the lump in her throat, "How much do I owe? I- I have no home or job because... I will be able to pay if you give me some time,"

"That is not necessary," Namjoon said, "Please rest here for now, there is a bathroom through that door with a shower. Feel free to use it, I will come back to check on you in an hour,"

The door closed quietly behind him and despite the whirlwind of emotions and memories in her head, Ophelia couldn't help but eye the door to the bathroom. A shower sounded like heaven.

After a few attempts, Ophelia managed to push through the pain and get to her feet. She shuffled to the bathroom and flicked the light on, freezing when she saw her reflection in the mirror.

Smooth, perfect skin the colour of caramel with eyes like melted dark chocolate. Hair as dark as the night, cascading down over her shoulders and back in soft, loose curls. Plump pink lips and long, thick eyelashes.

As far as she knew, her father was from somewhere in the Caribbean and was human. Her Irish vampire mother only ever spoke of him with pain in her eyes, so she had avoided the subject of "dad".

Still, she had the best of both of them, and despite having a human sire, was born a vampire.

She knew she was different and had almost gotten used to being stared at and harassed. The inappropriate comments and propositions along with the grabbing and touching had followed her no matter where she went.

But what that human had done was a step further than anything had ever gone before.

"I hate you," She hissed at her reflection, her fangs punching out of her gums in anger, "I wish I looked nothing like you!"

With that, she turned, slipped off her hospital gown and stepped into the shower under a warm, comforting stream of warm water.

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