Despite the fact that Japan was not a Christian country, people went all out with the decorations for Christmas every year. Lights were the favourite. You couldn't walk anywhere in Tokyo without catching sight of strings of fairy lights or towering, glowing Christmas trees. It was so beautiful. Kyoya's chauffeur had dropped us off about twenty minutes from the restaurant so we could look at the lights and it was more than worth the walk in the biting cold. It looked like a giant had snatched the stars from the sky and draped them across the city. About 25 minutes, several pictures and thousands of decorations later, we arrived at the restaurant.
It was predictably high end and packed with people. Kyoya nodded to the doorman and we were promptly escorted past the line of shivering people queuing outside to a table reserved in his name. I gushed about the lights and Christmas and previous years while we waited for our food and all the while he simply smiled at me. The food was delicious, more than worthy of the restaurant's stellar reputation and I made a mental note to encourage Tamaki-senpai to bring Haruhi here. She would be delirious with happiness for weeks.
'You're still smiling.' Kyoya said though the exact same expression was plastered across his own face.
'Well I'm happy. This is nice.'
'You haven't even had your present yet.' He chuckled, reaching under the table for a neatly wrapped box. 'Here.'
Carefully, I tore away the paper to reveal a polished wooden box with an inlaid design of a blooming cherry blossom tree curling around to the lid. I ran my fingers along the smooth surface, admiring the design. 'Wow Kyoya. This is beautiful.'
He smiled. 'Open it.'
I unfastened the delicate latch to reveal the red velvet interior and a dainty silver locket nestled within. The front bore the character for my name: Seina. I turned it over to find three characters: Seina Kamei Ootori. The metal was warming beneath my fingers as I stared at the engraving, wordless and unmoving.
'You don't like it?' Kyoya's voice startled me from my daze. 'It's alright. I'll get you something else. It was-'
'Kyoya. Come here a minute.' Without waiting for a response, I grabbed his hand and tugged him out of the dining room behind me. As soon as I came to a stop in the corridor he tried to speak again. So I kissed him. Slowly his arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer. He grinned as I paused to breathe.
'Open it.' He repeated his earlier words, his eyes on the necklace, forgotten in my hand.
The metal hinge swung open to reveal a photo of me and Kyoya, his arms around me and my heart stuttered unexpectedly in my chest. If I wore this it would be proof that he cared for me and I felt the same.
'Why is the other space blank?' I asked, pushing those thoughts away. He laughed softly and took the locket to put it on for me. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck as he clipped the necklace into place.
'Well you can pick a picture to go there; your family; your friends. But I was thinking you could put our children there.' Heat coloured my skin red before I had even registered his words.
'What? We're going to have beautiful children. You'll want a picture.'
He smiled again and kissed me. 'Just thinking ahead.'
'You're not nearly as funny as you think you are.' I admonished.
'Not joking.'

When we finally arrived back at my house I had been chilled right through and it was a relief to be back in the warm. The maid had barely closed the door when my mother appeared. 'Ah you're back. Take a seat in the living room, cake will be served shortly.'
We headed through and I sat down on one of the sofas and gestured for him to place himself beside me. He did as I suggested, draping a casual arm around my shoulders and tracing circles across my arm. Tatsuo materialised out of nowhere, sat down opposite us and pointedly stared at Kyoya, unblinking and ever so slightly hostile. 'Onii-san!' I complained making him turn his attention to me.
'Yes Seina?'
'Cut it out! I don't need a chaperone!'
'Of course you do.' He replied dismissively. 'So Kyoya-kun, what are your future prospects financially speaking? I mean you are the third son. Are you to remain dependent on the generosity of your father and then your brothers? Or is it my sister you are to depend on?' Kyoya's face darkened and I knew Tatsuo had hit a sore spot.
'Tatsuo! Be quiet! You are out of order.'
'It's quite alright Seina.' Kyoya interrupted, layering the charm on thick. 'Tatsuo-kun is only concerned for his little sister. It is understandable. You should not doubt me though Tatsuo-kun. If I so chose, I could leave the Ootori Group and Seina could handover the management of the Kamei Technological Group and I could still maintain her current standard of living.'
Just then my father appeared in the doorway. 'What is this about handing over management of the company?'
'Nothing father. Just a hypothetical conversation.' I answered quickly.
He turned to Tatsuo. 'Son are you trying to provoke our guest?'
'Not at all father.' Tatsuo answered calmly.
'Good. Welcome to my house Kyoya-kun. I trust you are enjoying yourself? My daughter is keeping you entertained?'
'I am very satisfied thank you. I hope you are well also?' My father gave a nod of approval and left the way he had come in.
'Tatsuo!' I hissed. 'See what you nearly did!'
'Calm down Seina. Everything is fine.'
'Excuse me. I am sorry to interrupt but the cake is ready.' A maid announced, bowing in the doorway.
'Thank you. We'll be through shortly.' I replied, dismissing her.

Resisting Temptation (A Kyoya Ootori Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now