"find me....find me...find me...." Kimmon's step halted when the voice came again. Honestly, he couldn't focus on any words Neung was telling him, and when the voice came, he stopped and was looking around. All he could see around was familiar faces doing their own activity. Some were discussing, some were talking and laughing and some were hurrying to class. He couldn't understand what's happening to him, or who the voice belonged to. But then again, why only he could hear it?

"Baby, are you okay?" Kimmon was snap out of his reverie and was looking at Neung's face confused. It took him a few seconds to understand the question. "Ahh, yes, Let's go, the class about to start." Neung just shrugged her shoulder while clinging her way back to Kimmon, heading to class.

Right after kimmon was making his step to the classroom, the confetti was throw right at his face with all the yelling, "Happy alpha day!!!", making Kimmon shocking turned exciting. He laughs. "Where's my gift?" Kimmon was stretch his open hands, asking for a gift while everyone else was just laughing.

Bas then putting his hand on Kimmon's shoulder with his smirk all over his face. "So, tonight, any plan?" Kimmon was about to answer when he felt someone had pushed him, no, someone had pushed Neung who was still clinging on him making him and Bas almost stumble, but was able to regain balance. Kimmon and everyone else was staring at that person or a group of 3 people.

"She is your gift. It's your alpha day, anyway. Time to end your virginity, and she would be eager to offer it for you. Right, Neung? You've been saving yourself to be devoured by an alpha like him than a beta like me. Why not make it clear, though you clinging to him 24 hours a day was more than a clear sign."

Neung was staring at the guy and her face was red all over. She was an omega, a low-class omega. A low-class omega who didn't come with any ability, but to just bearing child, just like a human, though she was a beauty. She had reach 18 two months before, and just like Rudet was saying, she was saving herself when she refused Rudet who also had reached 18 in the same month as her.

Being rejected was more than to hurt his ego, but then to be rejected because of his status as a beta, Rudet felt angry and offended. "What is he saying, Neung?" Kimmon was asking Neung back, since he didn't think she would go that far, just for him, when they were actually weren't a thing. At least, it's a fact they both knew.

"Baby, I'm...." the lecturer was arriving that force Neung to stop talking and everybody had scattered to their own seat. Bas who seated beside Kimmon was whispering to him. "What was that? Dude, are you both really a thing?"

Kimmon didn't have an answer to give Bas but to just turn to Neung on his other side. Well, he was wondering about it too. She was busy taking out her notes from her bag, and she was avoiding Kimmon's gaze, even though she could feel the guy was staring, looking at her intently, ignoring the lecturer's voice.

Kimmon was dragging Neung up to the roof, his usual spot right away after class. He needs to clear things out with her and at the same time wished that what he heard earlier wasn't true. "What was that Rudet was saying earlier this morning? Enlighten me, Neung."

His nodes weren't high, but he made sure he pressed the word he was saying so that Neung would understand, he was serious. But then, Neung was still silent, couldn't properly answer him that force him to continue.

"You were coming to me, saying that being beside me, was something you that come from low-class omega would be proud of, though I don't understand why it matters. No one actually really cares about your class status. You are beautiful, and that was enough for people to like you. But saving yourself for me? Neung, you and I are not a thing, and never could be. What are you trying to do? Answer me!"

Neung was a little jumpy, when Kimmon's tone getting higher, angry, and really asking for an answer. "You didn't have anyone else anyway, Kim. Why can't it be me? You said I was beautiful enough for people to want me, but why not you?" Neung was trying to hold Kimmon's arm when the guy was refused it. Neung was almost teary, and almost crying. She knew Kimmon could never handle a crying weak girl like her, and that was always her weapon just to be able to cling to Kimmon.

"Stop it, I had enough, Neung. You claim yourself, my girl, I let you since you said it was just for your popularity. I told you from the beginning, I just don't have any feelings for you. You are beautiful, yes, but there are so many beautiful girls out there, and were you suppose for me to love all of them just because they are beautiful? Enough is enough. Find yourself a better guy who wants you because it's you, but sorry to say it wasn't me. I don't want you to cling onto me anymore, let's break all this up, whatever that is. Leave me alone, now!"

Kimmon was slump on the used couch, at his usual spot. Neung couldn't hold her tears anymore and was looking for Kimmon for a while, when the guy already ignoring her before making her way to the door that leads to the roof. She makes her way slowly, and her hearts shattered since what she had to Kimmon was for real.

She makes all the excuses just to be beside him. Everyone knew that Kimmon wasn't interested in dating, what's more commitment. So, if she had told him from the start, Kimmon will reject her right away, for sure. She thought she could conquer his heart in those times she had with him but then Kimmon was one stubborn, hard-headed alpha. No wonder everyone was crazy about him.

She was taking the stairs when suddenly a clump of smoke appeared before her, making her stop.


End of Chapter 1

p/s: What do you think? Was it okay? Since this is a new genre for me, I wasn't sure it will be good or not. Please leave your comment, if you feel like it, and voting if you like, still, thanks for stopping by;)

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