Chapter 25

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*Ashton's P.O.V*

"Well, we've got a job to do." Said Luke, smiling weakly at Calum who grimaced. It made me think about what we were about to go and do, if they were worried then it was obviously more dangerous than I had originally thought, but I didn't have much of a choice now.

Besides, I didn't have much to live for other than Luke, since my dad was dead, the rest of my family were missing, and Michael was risking his life too. So I knew I was doing the right thing. A few lost lives to save countless others, if I did die then it was a pretty good way to go.

Michael climbed onto Calum's back and I climbed on to Luke's, before the two started running so fast that Michael's house was completely out of sight in a matter of seconds. I could tell by his face that my best friend was absolutely terrified, and I don't particularly blame him, I was pretty scared too.

When Luke stopped I gently slid off of him and took in the surroundings. We were miles from home, that was for sure.

"The council already found the night club," explained Calum, "but I doubt they've found this."

I followed his gaze to an old tunnel that was blocked off at one end by a single sheet of fabric. I could see the shadows of figures walking behind it and lights flickering, but I hadn't imagined I would find what I did when I pulled the material back.

Filling the tunnel was perhaps hundreds of people, swarming around in thick winter coats and huddled around dozens of lit fires. From the colour of their eyes, I recognised immediately that these people were all vampires, living in these terrible, homeless conditions. Some looked old and others young, of course they were all immortal but you couldn't have guessed if you didn't know.

Luke put his arm around me tightly and Calum did the same to Michael. "Stay with me, okay? I promise I'll keep you safe," Luke whispered to me, guiding me towards the main crowd that I could only assume were in charge around here.

They visibly tensed as we neared them, and dozens of heads snapped us to look at us. There were so many unwelcoming eyes fixes on me as I rubbed my sweaty palms on my shaking legs.

"I'm Calum," he told them, "and this is Luke, Michael, and Ashton. We need your help."

The man at the centre stood up and growled at us, particularly at me and Michael. We were humans, I guess we didn't quite fit in around here. The mans clothes were mud-stained and ripped, and his beard was thick and messy, and it covered most of his face. Underneath it all he looked like one of the youngest of the lot, perhaps early or mid-twenties.

"Us? Help you? Why should we help you when you bring them in here?"

I could see that Luke had to grit his teeth to contain his anger, but Calum remained calm and I was thankful for that since he was the one talking.

"You want an explanation?" he said through a chuckle, turning back to the man, "cause that's one thing I can certainly give you. If you don't want it then fine, but I wouldn't expect to live more than a day if I was you."

The mans aura suddenly changed, as the idea of his death caught him off guard and he became interested. I watched as Calum explained our current situation to him, the number of listeners growing rapidly until everyone in the tunnel knew what was going on.

The man who had spoken before introduced himself as Alex, and after a lot of questions and evil looks, he agreed to help us.


"No!" Luke yelled, shoving some supplies into a backpack. "This isn't your fight, Ashton. I get that you want to help but I don't want you getting hurt. Stay here and wait for any news."

By now I was sick of his overwhelming need to protect me, even if I did understand the logic behind his decision. The fact I wasn't originally involved was irreverent to me, especially given that Luke was. "Stop treating me like a kid! I'm here because I want to help, so the least you can do is let me."

Luke sighed and motioned for me to follow him. I mentally cheered and did just that. But when we got outside things had changed. And Michael and Calum weren't there anymore.

"Where are they?" I asked, nudging Luke, who seemed oblivious.

I decided it was best to go and try to find them myself, but I just caught him say an "I'm sorry."

Despite not knowing why he was apologising, I went back inside the building that had turned out to be an old military base, to find my friends. The halls were quiet and dark and I could hear small puddles of water splashing beneath my feet.

I suddenly flinched as I heard a groan coming from a nearby room with the word 'restricted' written on the door. I edged nervously nearer to it as another strange noise echoed through the corriders. This time I didn't hold back, running straight towards the door and pushing down hard on the surprisingly unlocked handle.

The lights were off, so I stumbled helplessly around in the dark until my fingers found the switches and I flicked them all on.

I gasped and covered my mouth as my eyes skimmed the floor to find Michael unconscious on the floor, groaning loudly and surrounded by blood.

"Michael!" I screamed, running to my best friend's side and attempting to support his head. "Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead."

"Don't worry, he's not dead. Well, it depends what you would consider dead to be," said a voice behind, and I snapped my head around to see Calum step into the light.

"What did you do to him?" I whispered, holding Michael close as a tear slipped from my eye. But the vampire didn't respnd, just gave me a knowing look which took me a while to figure out.


He couldn't have.

I frantically searched for Michael's neck through his hair and all the blood, and felt suddenly light-headed. It was there. Two teeth marks were clearly on the skin of his neck, and I could already feel his hands getting colder.

"Why?" I whispered, unable to even look at Calum. "I thought you cared about him."

"But that's just it," he spoke quietly, "I do care about him. I did this to keep him safe, Ashton, it's much better this way. I had the courage to do something that Luke was too afraid to, maybe you'll realise that soon."

Realise what? That Luke wasn't as cold-hearted as him? Or I assumed thats what he meant.

I laid Michael's head gently on the floor before standing to face Calum. Boy, did I have a lot to tell him.

But before I could start, I felt a pair of cold hands grab me from behind. I struggled desperately to breath as I tried to free myself from the person's hold on me. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying that I would wake up from this terrible nightmare, before being shoved harshly against a hard wall. I shrieked as pain soared through my back.

"Open your eyes," said a shaking voice, and the sound made me force my eyes open.


But he interrupted. "This is why I'm sorry."

And before I could respond, he leaned in and his grip on me tightened. I screamed in pain as I felt something sharp dig in to the side of my neck. I gagged for air as my throat seemed to close. The blood pulsing through my veins ran cold as my heart beat for the very last time.

Numbness overcame my body as I slipped from Luke's grasp, and then I let the shadows take me.



It also just so happens to be my longest chapter so far, are you proud of me? Sorry, I'm just really happy with this chapter so yeah I hope you liked it too

Hopefully see you all next chapter ;) xx

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