Chapter 16

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*Luke's P.O.V*

Tapping my foot nervously against the white floor tiles of the waiting room, I rubbed my eyes before fixing them on the wall. I hated hospitals, although that wasn't exactly rare. They always felt so overwhelming, and the fact that anyone was even there was as far from good as you could get. Then there was the stench of blood, but that reason was fairly self explanatory.

Somewhere within this place, Ashton was being treated for his injuries, and I had no idea what was happening or what to expect. A part of me wanted to leave, he was old enough to look after himself and there were plenty of nurses around if he couldn't. But that would have been unforgivable, this was my fault after all.

I took a deep breath and laid my head back against the metal chair, reflecting on the events of the past hour.

No matter how many times at yelled at Ashton to move, he remained frozen on the floor with his frightened gaze glued on me. Distracted by him, I failed to notice that that the man I currently had pinned to the wall was fighting to get free. He ducked under my arm and slammed me against the wall, snickering at my pain.

I had no other choice.

Twisting my body around as far as I could, I came face to face with a pulsing vein running down the side of the man's neck, knowing if me or Ashton were to make it out of here in one piece I would have to end it now.

"Luk-" Ashton whispered, still having not moved.

"I said go," I interrupted, the words leaving my lips much softer than I had expected. Positioning my mouth against the man's neck, I closed my eyes tight.

It was now or never.

I released my fangs as a sudden rush of warm blood make contact with my lips. Ashton's dad took one final breath before falling silent. The taste was so foreign, but so much better than the animal blood I had become accustomed to.

The dead man collapsed into me, crumbling lifeless to the floor as soon as I pulled away. I turned immediately to Ashton, but by then it was too late and there was nothing I could do. The boy's hand had already slipped on the striped rug that covered the ground above the stairs.

My yells came out as nothing more than pathetic squeaks, the moments that followed being painful to listen to. An almost systematics series of thuds and crashes came from below me as Ashton fell downwards, silence engulfing the house as he hit the bottom.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

Using my speed and praying Ashton was too out of it to notice, I knelt down on the floor beside him and placed his head on my lap as he began to lose consciousness. Blood seeped from a wound on the back of his head and coated my hands, but thankfully I was too focused on him to listen to my cravings.

His eyes closed and I had to take a deep breath to stop myself from crying, carefully laying him on the ground as I searched for a phone to call an ambulance. Paramedics arrived quickly, circling around Ashton and blocking out my view in the process. Once they had decided he was stable enough to be moved, they loaded his motionless body onto a stretcher and into the back of the fluorescent yellow and green vehicle.

"Luke Hemmings?" A nurse called sweetly, waking me up from my nightmare-like dream. I nodded in recognition of my name, following her down the corridor.

"How is he?" I asked hesitantly, concerned as to how she might answer.

She smiled, showering me with relief. "He's made much better progress than we expected. Your friend sustained quite a worrying head injury and broke his wrist in the fall, but has already gained consciousness and was asking to see you."

Ashton was asking to see... Me?

"You okay?" The nurse asked, shaking my arm gently to get my attention when I didn't initially respond.

"Y-yeah," I stammered, "I just - I'm still trying to get my head around this whole thing."

The glint of kindness in her soft, hazel eyes transformed immediately into sympathy. "Of course, but he'll be okay."

"I know," I smiled, concerned that it lacked the sincerity I had intended to complete my facade.

She led me to a private ward and motioned towards a door with Ashton's name scribed carefully on the front. "You can go in, give us a shout if you need anything."

I nodded, thanking the nurse as she headed back towards the waiting area. Pushing gently on the door, I stood hesitantly where I knew Ashton couldn't see me for a moment before entering the room. My feet padded against the floor and I slumped into yet another plastic chair that was positioned beside the bed, only then noticing that Ashton was sleeping. 

His right wrist was in a cast that rested against his hip, and a bandage was wrapped around his head. When I had last seen him he was pale, but a little colour had returned to Ashton's face since then and he appeared much healthier having received medical attention.

He stirred in his sleep but failed to wake, so I reached out and placed my hand in his.

"I'm so sorry Ashton, for everything. I should have done more to protect you, I promised myself that I'd keep you safe and I failed. None of it even makes sense, how I can care for you so much and find happiness in you being around me when I've never felt anything but hatred and envy towards humanity. You stood up for me when no one else was willing, you sent compassion rushing through my veins. I've always wanted to belong, but I never knew where. Now I know. I belong with you, Ashton. I love you."

"I love you too," he mumbled sleepily in response, leaving me temporarily speechless as I hadn't realised he was awake.

"Y-you heard all t-that?" I stammered, and Ashton nodded with a groan. "Do you need more painkillers? Some water? I can get the nur-"

"I'm fine," he interrupted, smiling weakly up at me. "Just a little shocked."

Ashton reached for his head but I grabbed his hand in mine and pulled it back down to the bed, withdrawing myself moments later when I realised my ice cold skin against his might suggest I was something but human. "You - uh - you probably shouldn't touch your head."

"Why is all of this happening, Luke?" He asked, staring up at me with sadness in his eyes. "My life was fine a couple of weeks ago, but everything has started going wrong sinc-"

"Since you met me."

"It's not your fault, how were you supposed to know any of this would happen?"

I sighed, fixing my gaze on him. "Bad things always happen when I'm around, I should have known better than to think this time would be any different. I got you caught up in my mess and I'm so sorry."

"None of that means anything," he smiled, his attempt at reassurance more comforting than I had expected. "I've seen what life with you is like, and what happens next is entirely up to me. I want to be with you, Luke, no matter what. So don't be sorry. Whatever happens, we'll get through it. Together."

Knowing what he was implying, I sat up a little straighter and grinned. "Guess it's time to make it official. Ashton, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course I will!" He laughed and in that moment I felt something I hadn't in a long time. I felt loved.

Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.


A/n: hey so I failed at making this cute dammit I knew that would happen

And I know they've only met properly like twice and now they're boyfriends but this is a story and they're in love okay cool

Guess what? I made Lashton out of chocolate yesterday and I would attach a picture but I kinda already ate them... Dead Lashton

Thanks everyone :) xx

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