Chapter 19

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*Ashton's P.O.V*

When my eyes managed to focus, I was intensely grateful to find a familiar face staring down at me. My mind was temporarily blinded by memories - falling, the hospital, arriving at Luke's and passing out. But as soon as his gaze met mine, none of that seemed to matter anymore.

We had each another, and that was enough to allow a smile to creep on to my face.

He looked slightly astounded by this, almost as though he had expected some other reaction, so I decided to surprise him even more. Besides, I thought he should hear it again.

"I love you."

Luke almost squealed, staring at me curiously. "I love you too, but I did not expect that to be the first thing you'd say to me when you woke up. I've been planning what to say if you freaked out and said you never wanted to see me again."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in response. "So, what would you have said if I did?"

"Something about how perfect you are and how much I need you to complete me and blah blah blah," he chuckled.

"You honestly think that? I really mean that much to you?"

"Yep," Luke smiled adoringly, "you're all I need."

In that moment, removing the grin from my face was physically impossible despite the way my cheeks ached as a result of it. Luke was still towering over me as I lay on his sofa, so I took the time to admire the person I was proud to call my boyfriend.

It was beautiful, like watching the sky at the dead of night. His skin was poetically pale, lighting a path through the darkness like the moon, and his dimples like little craters. They were so unique, not defining him but making Luke all the more special. Each and every tiny scar that littered his face were little astronauts, all with a different story and purpose, and I loved every single one.

Then there was his eyes. Before that day they had been dark, filled with cruelty and devoid of all hope. His hate for the world painfully clear, with no sign of anything changing. Now they were alive and burning bright, as if he had began to rewrite his entire existence and had achieved the greatest thing that he could.


"What are you looking at?" Luke smirked, straddling over me and resting his forehead against mine. God, it was a sight I'd never get used to.

"You. Your hair, your nose, your ears, your eyes, your smile. Just you. I really don't deserve you, Luke."

"Liar, liar," he whispered, brushing his lips teasingly against mine. "Heart on fire."

Deciding not to let the opportunity slip through my fingers, I cupped his cheeks with my hands and pressed our lips together, closing my eyes and letting my emotions control my movements.

He was the one to pull away, both us slightly breathless, but I suddenly remembered something entirely unrelated to the situation when he did. "I've forgotten about Michael. He'd be freaking out, we haven't been at school and I never miss school. Dammit, I should have called or sent a message or somethi-"

"Don't worry," Luke reassured, "I'll do it."

I frowned. "What?"

"I'll message Michael and explain that you're safe and with me, he'll understand. I won't say anything stupid or embarrass you, I promise."

"Fine," I nodded hesitantly, unlocking my phone and handing it to him. "Just be careful. Michael can be, uh, a little sensitive I guess?"

He hummed in response, and I didn't take my eyes away from him as he began to type out a message, concentration etched onto his face. My phone buzzed to confirm that it had sent, then moments later Luke gave it back to me. Of course, I had no choice but to smile at him and put the phone away, as to check what he had written would be a breach of trust.

Because I did trust him, and he wouldn't dare hurt Michael. Luke knew how much my best friend meant to me, and I gradually came to the realisation that it may be more difficult than I first anticipated to maintain a healthy relationship with them both. Michael had never liked Luke anyway.

"So," Luke continued, "I was thinking that maybe, since we're officially dating now, we shou-"

"We should what?"

He grinned at me, and I had to fight the urge to kiss him again. "Well if you'd let me finish, you would know I'm trying to ask you out on a date."

"So," I nodded slowly, attempting to process it all. "You're saying that you want to go on a date with me?"

"It looks that way," he shrugged playfully, letting out a small chuckle. He hovered just inches from my face, his warm breath on my skin, before reconnecting our lips. "You're so cute."

Trying not to seem too eager, I allowed Luke to take the lead and he now withdrew himself a little, leaving a trail of kisses along my collarbone. At first I gasped, not quite understanding what he was doing but I quickly fell in love with the feeling of his lips against my skin. "Where are you taking me for our date, then?"

"It's a surprise, just make sure you're ready for half past six as that's when the taxi is booked for. Our dinner reservation is for 7."

"Geez Luke," I laughed, trying not to appear in any way ungrateful. "Where did all of this come from? I'm not complaining, of course, but I barely knew you this time last week."

"There's something special between us, something I've never had with another person before. It's worth the world, Ashton, so I'm going to make sure that you get everything you deserve and more."

Any and every doubt left my mind right then.

I was 110% sure that I had fallen in love with Luke Hemmings.


A/n: TU DAH!! Thanks all xx

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