A/N again I know

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ok I I would just like to start off with im not dead but with everything that has been going on in the world right now ive been pretty out of it. so im really sorry for not posting in so long but post will now be weekly at lest once a week but some times more then that. the only time that I wont post in a week is if im at a place with no wifi or im taking a short brake but if I  am going to take a brake then I will let you guys know. ive said similar stuff on my other too books explaining were I was but don't worry if you cant read the one in German its just the same thing.  any way thank you so much for 1k reads like what the hell that is crazy im really happy that people like reading the shit I post. any way as always requests are open and I will do all requests so ya bye 

tik tok: blueslime._.cos

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