twentytwo // I Love, Love

Start from the beginning

"Koko puff, let them have their date night, pack him some to go" My dad was on my side but of course when these things happen, Devin and my mom are against me and my dad, it's a whole family affair

Devin looked back and forth at my mom and my dad unsure of what else to say "It'll still taste good if I bring it home" And that is how you win your girlfriend's parents, he knows how to play his cards right

"See now that's a man you wanna marry" my mom, tends to over exaggerate little statements and compliments

I shook my head with a smile as I headed toward the sink to wash my cup clean, dish washers, sometimes we believe in them, sometimes we don't. Couple of trial and error when it comes to big dishes

"Can I get personal with you Devin?" Oh God, did my dad really go there? What could he possibly want to get personal with Devin for? It isn't like he's done something bad or has the interest in doing so

Devin chuckled, the sound in his voice I can tell was discomfort and fear "Yeah"

"Dude, dad" I looked at my mom to try and help me stop him but she just shrugged and wanted to hear it too

"Do you ever want to get married?"

"Oh fuck" I spoke under my breath and moved to the far end of the kitchen with a hand on my head thinking of the numerous ways on how this conversation will end

My dad looked at me, then my mom then at Devin and back at me as if he was trying to think if he should actually say what he's going to say. My dad is a man with a brain full of questions and curiosity, and he wants answers and he will get them by any means necessary. Whatever this marriage shit is coming from, Devin and I have only been dating for nearly seven months- I have absolutely no idea where this is coming from because I never even spoke of marriage before! I think I'm going to pass out and potentially never recover

"Yeah, definitely. I want to start a family, couple kids, maybe three, I don't really know depends on the woman, her body her choice" That, I loved that answer, her body her choice, a true man who cares for his woman

My hand slid down from my forehead and down to my mouth because once these questions start, my dad is like rapid fire, more questions will be needing answers.

He nodded "Do you see yourself having that with my daughter?"

I coughed so loudly, choking on my own saliva "DUDE DAD! This, this is some next level shit, we're barely in our twen-"

"I sure hope so- I'm sorry for cutting you off and I know you hate it when people cut you off but I've had this inscribed my head for a time now" Devin cut me off in the most respectful way, what else does this man have in that bag? Athletic, respectful, caring, loving, giving, funny, humble- like this is him.

"Sage is like- I'm not even saying this shit because you're her dad and Miss Khloe is here and Sage is too but from deep in my heart. I sure hope I marry Sage, she's got everything I need, she cares so much for other people more than her own and with the privileges she has she uses to help others and I mean come on, she got into USC without her family not knowing. Like I don't even know, soon or not, young or not if I could marry her right now I would but I don't got the kind of funds to support that life right now, maybe tomorrow or next week but definitely I'd Bruno Mars the hell out of your daughter-  catch a grenade for her type love. Serious" I'm impressed, I don't know if this is all a joke or a prank that my dad had all set up for me and mom but that was good, I'm at a loss for words

"Baby, is that how you really feel?" My eyes tearing up, he nodded with a smile, my dad once more hugged him as my mom too but I was on the other side of the room

"Come on say" He came toward me, wiped my tears and kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly whispering into my ears

As I buried my face deeper into his chest and arms I balled my eyes out because no one has ever felt that way about me. My heart is so full and I have never felt more love, all these people right here in this house is a huge part of my heart.

"Woah? Did someone die? Why is everyone crying?" Auntie Kourtney waltzed in with, just in the perfect timing, Fai and Luka tailing behind her

My dad laughed as he continued to comfort my mom, I don't even know why she's crying in the first place. She's so dramatic but I love it, wouldn't have it any other way

Without my mom turning around to see who was behind her, just speaking based off the voice of her sister "Devin just poured his whole heart about Sage, he really loves her and it's amazing how someone can love her nearly as much as we do. He said he'd marry her right then and there if he had the money for the life they want to start together and Oh my God KOURTNEY!!!" My mom screamed the second she turned and saw Fai, oh mommy, pour it all out since you've already started

"And then what?" Kourt disregarding the fact that Fai was in the room, it's as if she wants to bury Fai six feet under with the words of my boyfriend translated in the words if my mother

"Khloe, and then what?" She repeated once more, there was no going back now "uhm, he said that he wants three kids but it's uh really up to her because it's her body her choice"

Dad to the rescue trying to cure the awkwardness and shine light on what that even means "Honeymoon phase for seven months, most people would end right at the second or third."

"Uhm, I think Devin and I should get to our lunch reservations" I wiped my tears, Devin helped and wiped the last he'd seen and kissed my forehead one more time

"I'm gonna go fix my cried up face, Dev, baby can you come with I need help deciding to go in the obsidian retros or the orange ones" I pulled him out with me as we did a small wave and small smile, passing through the crowd we didn't expect we were having

That was a whole ass concert.

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