-Chapter 36-

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Lexa's POV:

Clarke and I walked towards the tree after our Biology class. We had finally received our grade on our cell study thing, we got an A- which was my best grade so far, however it was Clarke's lowest grade, apart from her B+ in History which she told me the only reason why she didn't get an A was because she had to work with the two students who were failing the class.

"Well, well, well." Luna said from her position leaning against the tree. I turned my gaze towards her and she had a smirk on her face.

"Where were you last night?" She asked me, clearly she hadn't stayed at Ravens like I had hoped.

"I stayed at Clarke's." I nodded my head towards Clarke who had sat down next to Raven and was examining her half-finished engineering project she was working on with Jasper. I tucked some of my hair behind my ear but quickly realized my mistake when Luna's eyes traveled to my neck and her jaw dropped. Shit.

"Oh, my god." She said and I gave her a warning glare and shook my head, hoping she would stay quiet. Clearly she didn't get the message because she turned to Octavia who was busy playing with Lincoln's hair.

"Look at her neck." I heard Luna whisper and I closed my eyes and plonked down on the grass next to Clarke who had also heard Luna, she immediately went red and I gave her an apologetic look. Both Octavia and Lincoln looked at me. I tried to move my hair over the markings but they were actually looking for them which meant that they would easily be able to tell that they weren't just shadows from my hair. Octavia's jaw dropped to the floor and Lincoln smirked and turned his attention back to his phone. My cheeks heated up and Clarke looked like a tomato. It's not like I expected to hide them for longer than a day but it was still embarrassing. Raven looked up from being engrossed in her work and followed everyone's gaze that led to my neck. I let out a defeated noise and flopped onto the grass behind me. Jasper handed Monty a $20 bill with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Can you guys just stop staring!" I said loudly, "And betting." I gave Monty and Jasper a pointed look. They gave me sheepish smiles in return.

"Sorry." Mya laughed and I rolled my eyes and looked to Clarke who was still red but was now sharing looks with Harper. I shoved her arm lightly and she looked down at me.

"What?" She asked, giving me a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing." I said, exasperated. She laughed and lay her head down on my stomach. Earning us a bunch of sarcastic 'awww's' from the rest of the group. Clarke flipped them off and Murphy started talking about getting dinner on Thursday night, to which everyone seemed keen to go.


I drove Clarke home, she was oddly quiet and seemed to be zoned out. Before she went inside I grabbed her hand, turning her back towards me.

"Hey, Clarke, are you okay?" I asked, "You seem a bit, distant." She gave me a sad smile.

"I'm just, thinking about Avery. It seems like everyone's just forgotten about her except for her family." She looked down at the ground, "I think we should tell her parents about the text messages." I sighed and she looked back at me.

"I need to talk to you about something." I saw an emotion I didn't recognize flash across her features, was that, relief?

"What about?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Avery. And the messages." She nodded and I continued, "I think that maybe Costia had something to do with it." I waited for Clarke to respond but she seemed lost in thought. After about thirty seconds I saw her eyes widen in realization.

"No, you don't think she-" Clarke didn't finish what she was about to say, she was cut off by some memories or thoughts that had entered her mind, she shook her head in disbelief, "Oh my god." I nodded.

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