-Chapter 19-

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Lexa's POV:

"Ma'am please wake up." I felt someone shaking my shoulder slightly. I looked up at a man who was obviously one of the doctors, he gave me a kind smile, "Visiting hours are over, are you staying overnight?"

I nodded and looked at Clarke, her bandages had been changed and her hair had been combed buy one of the nurses, she looked so peaceful that if I didn't know better I would have just thought she was sleeping.

"How long will she be in the coma?" I asked the doctor. He sighed slightly.

"We're thinking two days maximum, if all goes well she should be able to come out of it tomorrow night." He replied, I felt my eyes fill up with tears. Thank god, I couldn't stand just staring at her and not being able to do anything. The doctor read my scared expression and his eyes softened, "I can bring a stretcher in for you if you like?" I nodded my head and thanked him before he left. I checked my phone, there were three messages from Raven and seven phone calls from mom. I opened up Ravens messages.

Raven: Hey Lexa how is everything?

Raven: Let me know when she gets better.

Raven: You probably won't see this but please get some rest and don't worry too much xx

Lexa: Hey Raven sorry I took so long. Clarke is in an induced coma but she should be out of it in the next two days.

Raven: Clarke will be okay, I'm sure of it. But why are you still up?! It's 2am!

Lexa: I just woke up. And I could ask you the same thing.

Raven: Okay true. Get back to sleep and I'll see you soon

Lexa: Good night x

I closed Snapchat and called mom back, she picked up on the third ring.

"Lexa! What's happening? The school called and told me you were at the hospital."

"Yeah, Clarke's in an induced coma."

"Who's Clarke? And may I ask how?"

"I'll explain soon, I need some rest and you should get some too."

"Okay, good night Lex."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I hung up and rested my head on my hands. The doctor from before walked in with a stretcher and some hospital sheets and put it on the ground by Clarke's bed.

"Thank you so much sir." I said gratefully, he nodded and left the room. I set up the stretcher and lay down on the uncomfortable fabric. I put my head on my hands and closed my eyes. I fell asleep very quickly.

Clarke's POV:

I was walking through the forest at camp with Monty and he was explaining some kind of difficult science term but I couldn't quite hear him. I looked around and could see a deer through a gap in the trees. I walked towards it and it didn't move or look frightened. I reached out to it and the deer came closer, sniffing at my hand before running further into the forest. I looked behind me for Monty but he was no where to be seen. I shrugged and followed the deer deeper into the forest. I couldn't see it anymore but I knew it was close, I could hear the light thump of its hooves on the forest floor, thump, thump, thump, I stopped to listen to it so that I could find where it was but I realized something, it wasn't a deer's hooves. It was a heartbeat. My heartbeat, I reached my index finger and my middle finger to just below my ear to feel for a pulse but there was no movement underneath my fingers. I had no pulse. I continued through the forest and could hear the sound of running water, I entered into a clearing and could see the deer, it looked at me with it's large, brown eyes, I walked up to it and reached my hand out, it didn't run away this time and instead it let me pet it. I sighed and looked around the clearing, there were two paths that I could see, one path looked slightly dark while the other lead into the sunlight. I was about to walk down that path when I heard a voice behind me.

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