-Chapter 20-

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Clarke's POV:

I turned around slowly after watching Lexa drive away. My mom gave me a pitiful look. I folded my arms and leaned against the door frame Lexa had just pushed me against. I felt myself blush slightly at the thought before remembering mom was right in front of me.

"Clarke." She said

"Mom." I replied in a clipped tone.

"Sit down with me." Mom pointed towards the lounge couch and I sat down next to her reluctantly.

"Whatever you're about to say about Lexa. I don't want to hear it." Mom shook her head and leaned back into the couch.

"I'm not going to talk about Lexa. I need to talk about you." I rolled my eyes into the back of my head and threw my head into the couch behind me.

"What is is then."

"Clarke. I need you to look at me." Mom said, placing her hand on my arm before quickly retracting it. As if I was some kind of disease. I smirked and looked at my mom.

"You're at an age where." Mom gulped before continuing, "You want to start... Experiencing things-" I cut her off.

"Mom! This isn't me wanting to experience things! That's the furthest thing from the truth." Mom put her hand up to silence me.

"Let me finish... It is okay for you to want to do things with other girls but it doesn't mean you actually should, it's just hormones and you'll pass through this phase and realize that I was right eventually."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes again.

"Mom, you know nothing about me. You know nothing about how I feel and who I want to be with."

"Fine. Well until this.. Phase is over I don't want you seeing that Lexa girl. She's gay and I don't want her influencing you."

"You know what mom?! Lexa is gay. So what. But you want to know what else she is? She's smart, she's loyal, she's kind, she's generous, she's perfect. Oh! And do you want to know what else I think of her mom? I think Lexa's a really good kisser!" I took a deep breath and looked at mom. She stared at me, her eyes darkened with anger and she stood up and slapped me, hard, across the face and left the room. I sat on the couch, nursing my face which was still bandaged. I felt a tear slide down my face and I grabbed my jersey from the coffee table and ran out to my car. I drove to Lexa's house, tears running down my face.

I knocked on her door and Luna opened it, she took one look at my face and wrapped me in a hug.

"I know that look, it's your mom right?" I nodded and she pulled me back into a hug before grabbing my hand and leading my towards Lexa's room, she opened the door and I saw Lexa playing Monopoly with a young girl who I presumed was her cousin Maddy. Lexa looked up at Luna and then her eyes fell on my tear stained face. She got up and hugged me immediately. Luna signaled for Maddy to leave the room. They walked out and closed the door behind them, leaving me and Lexa in her room. We stood for a few minutes, just hugging each other, my head buried in her neck and her resting her cheek against me head. She ran her fingers through my short hair and I sighed into her neck.

"Are you okay, Clarke?" She asked quietly.

"I am now." I smiled into her neck and looked up at her. She looked slightly down at me and kissed my forehead.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

I shook my head, I didn't want to talk or remember anything. She nodded in understanding and led me over to her bed, we sat down together and she pulled out her laptop.

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