-Chapter 10-

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Lexa's POV:
I went back inside and lay down on my bed. I was mad at Clarke. I wanted to forgive her but I knew she'd just do it again and again because that's the type of person she was. I checked the time, 1:43am. I needed to get some sleep. I rolled over and opened my curtain so that I could look at the stars and eventually I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm. Great, Monday. I got out of bed and went into my bathroom to have a shower. I decided on wearing a white crop top with denim overalls. I looked in the mirror. I looked tired so I decided to put on some makeup. Then I did my hair into a high ponytail and tucked a bandana into it. I then went downstairs to have breakfast and texted Octavia to come pick me up in 20 minutes.

Octavia knocked on my door at 8:20am. I opened it for her.

"You know you can let yourself in." I told her. She hasn't knocked on my door once for the past three years because she would just come in.

"Yeah I know but I forgot my house key." She replied.

"Oh okay. Have you had breakfast?"

"Yeah. Come on let's go to school."
We left my house and got into Octavia's car, Raven and Harper were in there too.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey Lex" Raven said.

"Can we stop at the coffee shop?" Harper asked, "I got like, no sleep at all last night."

"Same. Octavia let's go to the coffee shop." I said.

"You guys read my mind." She said, pulling away from my house. "So Lexa when exactly are you getting your driver's license?" Raven asked, they loved making fun of me for failing.

"I'm actually taking the test after camp"

"Okay, make sure you don't run over a squirrel like last time." Harper said, laughing.

"It was an ACCIDENT!" I said, defending myself.

"You still murdered it." Octavia pointed out.

"Whatever. Leave me alone." I said, fake pouting. We got to the coffee shop and ordered our drinks. Octavia got her very complicated order while I just got plain black coffee. Raven ordered a hot chocolate because she didn't like coffee and Harper ordered a mocha.
We got to school at 9:15am. Late. As usual. Everything felt normal and it would have been if I could get Clarke off my mind. I hated it. The fact that I couldn't get her out of my head made me want to throw myself off a cliff. Not literally. I checked my timetable. Bio. Great. I had to see Clarke again. I walked towards B block. I was not happy about this. The last thing I wanted to do was see her so soon after last night.

I walked into class and, thanks to me being late, all the seats were taken except for the one next to Clarke. ( a/n what a coincidence). I rolled my eyes and sat down next to her. Jaha continued his lesson. He was talking about the assignment that was due on Wednesday.

"Alright girls grab out your notes and start working on your assignments with your partner." Jaha said. I grabbed out my notes and started working on my part of the assignment.

"Hey Lexa we need to do the graph evaluating our data and research." Clarke said quietly. I ignored her, we didn't need a graph for a comparison between plant and animal cells.

"Lexa. Please just talk to me." She whispered. I looked at her. Who did she think she was

"Clarke. I don't want to talk to you." I smirked and continued with my work.

"Whatever." The rest of the class passed in silence and I didn't see her until lunch.

I was walking towards the tree to meet Octavia and the group for lunch when I saw her walking towards me. I leaned against the tree and looked away from her.

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