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All of them walked to the open field and they sat down in a circle. The thing was, between the six of them, they pretty much covered all of the five elements and so, it was very convenient for Brooke to learn all the basic required skills in all the five elements. According to them, the way all of this worked out was that even though Brooke was born with powers over one particular element, she was supposed to learn the basics in all of the other elements as well. It was like building blocks. So, even if went ahead with her main element – water – the foundation of her powers had to come from all of the five elements – water, fire, metal, earth and wind – in order to survive.

They decided to start with Wind. The rest of them even said that they will join her to practise so as to not make her feel alone. Brooke was really grateful that they were spending the day with her and getting her up to speed. Reva started explaining the process.

"So, basically, magic is basically just the power of the combined medley – if you will – of your conscious and your subconscious mind. Now that you have adapted your powers into this body, it will be much easier for you to just bend the elements to your will by thinking it. So, we'll start simple. You see these pencils? I will put them on the ground, and you will try to lift them by your will. At first, you might find actually speaking the command word out loud easier, so try that out."

She continued tutoring.

"Close your eyes and empty your mind of every other thought. Concentrate on the feeling of the wind rushing through your hair and the breeze caressing your body. Now, slowly lift your hand up." Brooke kept on following the instructions. "Your palms should be facing up and keep your fingers apart. Concentrate on the image of the pencils in your mind. Now, imagine those pencils actually hovering in the air. Once you feel the image solidify, speak the command word that comes to you."

Brooke imagined the pencil flying in the air and hovering over the grass. She spoke the command word.

"Lift." She felt a tug at the bottom of her gut that she first felt back in the mahogany forest and she focused of making that feeling stronger. She opened her eyes but was welcomed by an unusual site. Some of the pencils were hovering like an inch above the ground and some of them were flying around as high as the tree-tops, while some of them stayed still. Reva extended her hands and all of them fell down.

"Okay, you imagined two different scenarios. Either concentrate on hovering or on flying. I suggest hovering. Higher the altitude, more your energy gets spent."

Brooke did so, and imagined them now solely hovering in the air, but at least a few feet higher than before. She tried a couple of times, but either some of them stayed still or all of them hovered at different lengths. Another hour passed until Brooke started to get the hang of it.

According to Reva, it was all about balance, and so, she had to get the pencils in a specific position exactly like she pictures it in her mind. She gave it another go. This time, she felt a weird tingling sensation course through her fingers and when she opened her eyes, all of the pencils were hovering at the level of her waist, in the formation of 'R'. All of them cheered as she smiled at successfully getting the hang of her first element.

THE MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF A WITCH | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now