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That was the moment in which Brooke realized that her life had turned around

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That was the moment in which Brooke realized that her life had turned around. For better or for worse? Nobody knew.

"Happy Birthday, sweetie!"

The voice of Brooke's mother was heard as she started to stir in her sleep. A few pokes on her arm and a few shakes later, she sat up on her bed, rubbing her eyes with her hands formed into fists. 

She looked around and spotted her foster parents and her foster sister standing around her with a cake in their hands. A smile settled itself on her face as she realized that it was indeed, her birthday. She had turned 18 today.

"Happy Birthday Babe!" her sister, Carol, also her best friend in the world, sat on the bed and hugged her as Brooke hugged her back with equal excitement. 

She was in awe of the ideas they got for her birthday because they always did that. Every year, at midnight on her birthday, there was, indefinitely, a present waiting for her. This time, the whole room was filled with balloons of pastel colours. 

Shades of pink, blue, green and purple adorned the whole room. Her parents knew just how much she adored pastel shades.

On the wall right in front of her, was an amazing picture collage hung – complete with photos of her loved ones as well as her favourite bands and her favourite TV shows alike. Her heart soared into the clouds as she looked at all the trouble that they went through just to make her smile every single year. 

Even though everyone knew that Brooke was adopted because her parents couldn't have another child after Carol, she was never treated in that manner. They treated her just as adoringly and lovingly as their own flesh and blood, and Brooke would always be grateful to them for that.

"Thanks, you guys. You don't have to go through so much every time!"

"Of course we do. You're our angel and we'd do anything for you." her mom smiled at her and Brooke's heart filled, yet again, with love and respect for the woman. She never made Brooke feel as if she was alone. 

She was her role model growing up, and even to this date, because the way she tackled any sort situation, casual or serious, always managed to leave Brooke in awe.

"Now, cut the cake." she said as she pointed at the cake sitting on the edge of her bed and all of them gathered around it. Brooke blew out the candles and all of them clapped and sang happy birthday to her as she cut into the cake. Soon enough, all four of them dived into the cake and started eating.

"So, you ready to open your presents?"

"Yeahhh!" Brooke replied in an enthusiastic voice and the parents laughed before handing her two envelopes.

"What is this now?" she said as she ripped open the first envelope and her mouth fell open as her eyes bulged out of its sockets and she looked at the present she had received. After a moment of complete silence, she shrieked.

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