We're the ones who rule this town, not the troll who is Terra Allen.

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Well when Alistair told me Gigi had a kid I expected a newborn baby, not some two year old kid that throws her food at me. Everyone is looking at me like they are studying me closely. I look down at my clothes to make sure I'm not naked or anything. Nope, still wearing my short denim shorts and a baggy off the shoulder t-shirt that says 'I hate people' on the front.

"What?" I glare back.

"Sit down hunny," my Mum gleams like she's some sort of light bulb. I do as she says and pull up the only chair in between Alistair and Gigi, who is holding her giant sized baby, Darcey. She's kinda cute. You can tell she's a Creed with her thick shoulder length hair and dark eyes that could lose anyone in them. Gigi gleams at me and I kiss her cheek, I've always gotten along well with her ever since we were young, but being in the same year as Ali at school meant he was always around. At school, at home, at every step I took he would be there.

Dinner seems to go on forever.

"How was boarding school Lana?" Mrs. Creed asked.

"Did you make any friends? Friends like that last forever," Mr. Creed declared. Yeah okay. Like I'd still be friends with them lot.

"Shag any lads Big Girl?" both families were disgusted and Mrs. Creed screeched "ALISTAIR CREED" over the table at him.

"You're disgusting Ali," I elbowed his stomach and he bent over in exaggeration. He's pulling at the last nerve I'm holding on to and I've only been back a day.

We're all sat around watching afternoon news, yawn, like this day can get any better. Alistair stands up and excuses us both from the room, I follow because I'd much rather be tortured than spend the rest of the day watching the news with two Mum's, two Dad's and a sixteen year old teen Mum who is playing dolls with her slobbering snotted-up daughter.

Alistair grabs my arm and pulls me round the corner and out the back door.

"Where are you taking me?" He still has my arm and I'm currently struggling to pull out of this strong hold he has on me.

"Remember Danny Gunn?" Of course I do, I've slept with the guy more times than I've had hot dinners. "Well anyway, he's having a party and we're going." A party sounds good.

"What's the catch?" This is Alistair Creed after all.

"I need you to be on my arm all night, I need to make Chenade jealous. Liam reckons I'll never sleep with her, I say bring it on," he makes me feel sick.

"Fuck no, who do you think I am? We've known eachother twelve years and you really asked me that question? HA" I laugh as loud as I can. Surely he's not serious right? HA. I look up to find him kicking the floor and looking at me with his 'I'm serious' face.

"God you're sick." I climb into his truck and slam the door behind me. He's looking over at me as he starts the car, but I ignore him.

"But you like sick right?"

"Not as much as I hate you," A smug look crosses his face and before I know it we're pulling into a parking spot on a road filled with cars and trucks.

The smell of alcohol lingers down the whole street and I inhale. Mhm. Ali takes my hand in his. Is he seriously for real? When in my lifetime will I ever hold hands with this jerk.

"God no," I pull away sharply, "we are not touching, I'll stand by you, pretend to laugh at your God foresaken shitty jokes and maybe, just maybe when she looks over I'll," I think for a second before coming to a conclusion, "no you can forget me touching you." Linking my arm with his we walk into the party, me undoing my long brown hair from the casual bun it was in and swishing it about, and Alistair running his spare hand through his own hair. God, if only I was here with anyone but Alistair Creed. Even Nerdy Ned will do me. Who wouldn't exchange the bad boy they've known their whole life for some nerdy kid in the year below? Okay, so maybe not you, but I would anyday. I roll my eyes one last time before entering this mansion of a house and put on a fake smile, pushing my tongue to the back of my teeth.

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