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4 years have passed, I already passed college with flying colors and I have accepted the fact that he never loved me like that and he'll never think of me as nothing more than a friend. We recovered from our fight. We made up and formed a stronger frienship. At first it was a little hard I admit but I started moving on, or so I force myself to think. I still haven't gotten fully over him but i'm on the way there, by finding ways to avoid talking about things such as his girlfriend. I thought I was fully over him until I received a letter. It read
        Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you. I'd like to invite you to my wedding a week from now,where i'll be needing you most. I'd love for you to be able to go. I know it's quite far from the Philippines but i'll even pay for the ticket just please be here.
    -Choi Seungcheol'
My heart shattered to a million pieces. But then I thought, he did make it clear that he never liked me, maybe I was just so selfish. Then I decided I will attend the wedding but I don't want to be a bother and be another cause of him spending money so I just bought my own ticket. I haven't seen our other friends in 4 years aswell so I wanted to stay for a  month just to catch up with everyone and recollect myself aswell. Days passed and it was the day of the wedding. I got dressed in a presentable blue knee length dress since it was the first thing I saw. I didn't bother being too dressed up since I was, after all, still being sulky. I arrived at wedding hall and saw the rest of my friends also Seungcheol's parents. I went over to his parents and greeted them. "Hello aunty and uncle, it's been a long time since i last saw you." I said a little enthusiastic. "I know I was a little suprised to know that my son's marrying her instead of you." His mom said. I was a little shocked so I asked, "Why is that?". His mom said "It's because I've always known that he liked you from the start." I was so confused and many questions were floating in my mind. Then we heard the announcer say that the wedding was about to begin. I saw him walking down the aisle. He was so handsome, he looked so hot to be quite honest. I felt a hand rubbing my shoulder. I turned and saw Mingyu and Wonwoo. I wondered why he patted my shoulder, then I noticed I was tearing up. I quickly wiped it and said a quiet 'thank you'. To be honest, I didn't care what was happening until I heard him say his vow. He was holding his almost-wife's hands but I noticed he wasn't looking at her eyes, I figured he was just nervous. Then he looked my way with glossy eyes. I thought it maybe was just tears of joy. But something in me felt like he wasn't happy at all. Then I heard the sentences that I really did not want to hear, "I now announce you 'husband' and 'wife'. You may now kiss the bride." Good thing the wedding was now over because I just wanted to run out of that place. Our friends went out with me and tried to comfort me which helped for a little until Seungcheol came to us, specifically me. He asked the others if he could speak to me alone and then they left. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I know you like me but I love someone else. I hope we can still remain friends just like before." I just nodded at this point I just want to run away but I didn't want to seem rude so I just told the others that I was tired and I wanted to go home. I guess at this point if really do love him I should just let him go. And that's what I'm going to do. I shouldn't have wasted my time trying to make someone who never even loved me the same way i loved fall for me. I guess this is my karma.

Tada, this will finally be the end of this
book. I know it wasn't long but I just really wanted to end this book at this point
but I hope you enjoyed this twist full story.
I wish you all a good day and atay healthy,
                   - 아디

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