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A week has passed and I just stayed here at spending time with my family and friends, making sure to enjoy my last few moments here before going to Seoul. "Ah, Haru I'll miss you! Make sure to call me whenever you can ok?" my friend Beta said. I replied "Of course child, I'll call you if I'm available." My friends came back to their sassy exteriors and told me off by saying they're older but I was fine with it since it was just some friendly banter. The day past by quick and I felt a bit uneasy since it was after all my last night here that I get to spend with my family before going out to South Korea. Dawn came and it was almost my flight so quickly took a shower then we went straight to the airport. 2 Hours passed and it was already boarding. I bid my farewell to my family and boarded the plane. This is it. Hello PNH, farewell Philippines.
Ey, welcome back everyone!
I know it took so long before I updated
it was cuz I had some important
matters to take care of
but now I'm back.
So yeah her name is Min Haru
and yes she was born and is
currently living in the Philippines
but, BUT, she is not a real person so
don't yry to find her cuz you won't be able
to. Anyway I hope you like it and
continue supporting this
           - 아디😈

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