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Months have started going by so fast, too fast actually. We were already in our Third semester. I've been getting mixed signals from Seungcheol these past few months making me think that he likes me the same way I like him. A day before our exams, he called all of us asking if he could introduce someone very important to him. So we went to our usual cafe. We sat and waited for him. Jihoon heard the door open and we saw Seungcheol with a girl. The girl was covered so we couldn't see her face, but just from her vibe, she felt very very familiar. Too familiar. They both sat down and he started talking. "So guys, this is the person that I wanted to introduce." He started. We immediately figured she was his girlfriend and we, well they, started getting excited. I know I'm supposed to be excited as well but I just couldn't bring myself to be so. Then he continued  " I think you guys already know what she is to me. She's my girlfriend and I hope you guys will accept her into our family. Guys meet Yuna, my girlfriend." I wasn't as shocked as the others were since I noticed how as time passsed she started ignoring me and we stopped most communications. She used to always talk about this boyfriend of hers and how he was so cute and hot and nice and sexy and caring and all the other cliché things. But she was really surprised to see me since I never told her anything about my other friends. I notcedi she was staring at me so I stared at her too. Then the others asked if we knew each other and we answered that we did. To be completely honest, I was so jealous at the moment that I really wanted to run away, but if this is what makes him happy then so be it.

I know, two updates
in one day. At this point I'm just trying
to finifh this book already so I'm sorry
if it suddenly gets crappy but yeah.
                - 아디

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